Is Ray Wu's shop still the best place for pixels?


New elf
May 8, 2015
Orlando, Florida
I was working on my order for my 2017 show. Now that I've got this pixel thing all figured out, I was going to really go crazy this year and buy about 7000 pixels! I pulled out my receipts from 2 years ago - to make sure I ordered the same pixels as I have now...I was so surprised to see the prices have more then doubled! My technicolor pixels are now $49 for 100 nodes compared to $20 just 2 years ago. I'm afraid to find out what shipping is up to! Is Ray Wu's store still the best place to buy pixels?
Try searching his site some more - in general prices have gone down, but there are often multiple items in his shop extremely similar at wildly differing prices
Maybe send ray the previous pricing and see if he can go closer to that amount.

Lately I have found he is quite flexible with the final bottom line, especially if you are ordering 7000 pixels.

good luck
Are there any other stores to do a price comparison with? I've priced up my 2017 display and Ray Wu seems to be the most expensive (including freight)...keen to send my bill of material to a few to get some prices

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You need to ask Ray directly for a shipping quote because Aliexpress's automatic shipping calculator can overcharge you.
Be aware that just focussing on price alone may actually cost you more in the long run as many have discovered in the past because they are dealing with someone who doesn't understand the needs of the community like Ray does and is selling cheap seconds that have no consistency. In many cases you pay for what you get
ask ray for a quote before proceeding, for that quantity i think you would do better than web pricing.
also consider asking for the pigtails to be attached cost is roughly $1.00 per string (length doesn't matter i think)
saves a lot of time soldering and sealing.
cheers Boof63
bdt said:
Has anyone purchased pixels from Holiday Coro, any opinions on his quality?

Last I knew is he sourced those through Ray Wu anyway, but that may have changed now days
I Just ask Ray for a quote and he came up with prices that weren't on the products I looked at.
Eg 13.5 mm blank caps 7 cents buying at 4 cents
Also keep in mind Ray Quotes American dollars
And anything over AU $1000 attracts GST.
Freight as always cheaper via ray
I bought HC 12mm pixels two years ago. In general they have worked good. I wanted them for a 3" spacing tree and using hc pixel strips the wires were short in places due to epoxy holding the wires together. This led to a couple of failures as the strings were tossed about in the winter weather. Had i not stretched them, i think they would have been perfect. I also bought from ray last year but did have time to get any of his stuff outside.

I think some people have used scottled. You could try there. Selection does not seem as big as Ray but if you know what you want...ask them for a quote to compare.
Hi,This is Paul Zhang from ETOP LED,we have a few years experience on pixel string,we did have great feedback from many customers.....

We are happy to offer a price quote for refer,welcome your inquiry.

Thank you...

My email:
Skype: ntdx03-hk

Thank you and Best Regards
Being an uniformed newbie last year, I had purchased my 5050 RGB dumb strips off and delivered free freight off E-bay and I was happy with them.
This year I needed a swag more stuff and ordered from Ray Wu. His prices were around the same as I paid on e-bay and on top of that I had to pay freight.
The goods arrived a week after everything was processed and I am sad to say that I was so naive purchasing off e-bay.
Rays strips are so much better. they are brighter, the mounting strips is so much sturdier. The quality is just superb
What I didn't know was that I could order these lights at any length I wanted and pre soldered with RGB flat cable (or pigtails)
At 64 to make, it would have been worth my while to have Ray provide them.
Oh well,-- there's always next year.
38 more to go.
I dont use Ray Wu, but love all the stuff I got in. Good quality for great price!
Most people will always use Ray though, and I have heard every order being positive. :)