Kmart Lights - 2012


WiFi Interactive
Dec 23, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
250 LED String, Multi-colour / Warm White / Blue = $17
300 LED String, Multi-colour / Warm White / Blue = $29
600 LED String, Multi-colour / Warm White / Blue = $39

The 600 LED pack I got has 5cm spacing between LEDs too.
I wonder what the "ball lights" look like lit up? Something that might go well with pixels, maybe, with pixels being larger than normal LED strings?

2012-09-30 14.21.29 s.jpg

Here are box shots of some of the Kmart light strings to go with Driver's post. 250 bulb led strings are available in string/icicle configuration.
2012-09-30 14.19.02 s.jpg 2012-09-30 14.20.15 s.jpg 2012-09-30 14.20.38 s.jpg 2012-09-30 14.20.00 s.jpg
ryanschristmaslights said:
I wonder what the "ball lights" look like lit up? Something that might go well with pixels, maybe, with pixels being larger than normal LED strings?

Take note that these are only for indoor use, I presume the balls may not be UV rated and will deteriate very quickly.

But i do have some Minleon sample ball lights that work with LSP and are outdoor rated and the ball look does look fantastic.
I bought a $14 set of Kmart LED candy canes today to see what they were like. The come with a 2 function controller (steady / 4 channel snow effect) and 24V AC plug pack.

The LEDs are cool white and the 4 canes are 43cm tall each. They are ok for the price, but I'll probably be returning mine as one channel is intermittent and I can't be bothered chasing down a wiring issue on a new item.