Looking for smaller bullet type smart pixels


Apprentice elf
Nov 18, 2022
I might be getting the terminology wrong here but what I currently have are these.


I would like something with a similar form factor, but smaller in size. The LEDs above are, I believe, designed to fit into an 8mm hole, I'd really like something that would fit in a 4mm hole. With slightly thinner wires as well.

I've seen the strip lights, and the seed, and pebble lights, those aren't what I'm looking for. I'm hoping to find something that I can punch through from the back but are smaller than the ones above.


You are in luck, Mattos Designs just released a small 5mm pixel.

You may want to relook at the advert for the pixels. These pixels (as are the majority) are designed to fit in a 12mm hole. The LED itself, in the middle of the package, is 8mm.

At the recent Heartland Mini, we were shown some pebble pixels that had a 4mm/5mm shaft. I thought it was from YourPixelStore, but I'm having trouble finding them on the site. They are out there, I held them in my hand. Just keep looking.

Edit: The EVO Minis (as Indigogyre pointed out) were the ones I was looking at.
Be aware the EVO Minis emit a lot of light out the sides, essentially the LED would be behind the mounting surface. If you don't want it to shine through, choose your material carefully, like black coro, or some other material that blocks light.
I think a 4mm is out of the question. You might be able to make your own but really hard to find an rgb addressable pixel that size. There is a smaller hat version at 5mm. Looks like the base might be the standard 12mm though I couldn't find the specs on size. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832068506904.html

They use a different chip so your controller will need to be PL9823 compatible. The page says they are similar to ws2811 but others have had to use a specific version of software to make them work.

Non waterproof version looks smaller https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804378286842.html
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you'd almost be looking at "twinkly lights" if you wished to go to that size although to do it in any number would be a very expensive way to go