Managing the fan on the enclosure?


New elf
Dec 27, 2018
Brisbane, South
How are you controlling when the enclosure fan turns on and off as the show is on and off?
Or are you simply cutting off the enclosure power source with a smart plug?
All of ours are also powered from power supplies so when controllers are on fans are too !
I figure with our weather here in Australia they aren’t going to get to cold !
The fans on my enclosures are powered from the mains supply (230V here), so if there is power on the enclosure the fan is running. It also makes it harder for bugs to get in with the fan doing about 1500rpm.
The fans on my enclosures are powered from the mains supply (230V here), so if there is power on the enclosure the fan is running. It also makes it harder for bugs to get in with the fan doing about 1500rpm.

So that's what all the fine powder spread all over the controllers is. :D