My First Project

So, night one went smoothly. Lots of people came by and loved the display. Virtual Santa was a massive hit with both kids and parents in awe.

Sadly, the same can not be said for night two (last night). It was pretty much a complete disaster in terms of controlled lighting. We're blaming Vixen for constantly crashing and locking up. Bear in mind that we only chose vixen because, at the time, the LSP website wouldn't allow me to purchase it and I got no response to my e-mails to them.

So last night I did buy the intro version of LSP (we only have 47 channels) but we couldn't get it to talk through David_AVD's USB dongle to the DC48 controller. It simply wasn't sending out a signal (apparently). Special thanks to Yagoona Lights for trying to assist via TeamViewer last night.

Bottome line is that it all seems to have turned to doo doo. We now have to go through a steep LSP learning curve in one day if we're going to have controlled lights tonight.

Anyone will to offer assistance?
I've used USB DMX with both LSP (I have the Pro version) and LOR S3 (Advanced version) and had not issues with the latest builds of each.
I set my USB dongle to the DMX open model, then ran through the wizard to select the USB device and it's working in LSP.
At this stage for tonight, we're going to go back to a more stable Vixen 2.1.4 and hope that works.

I've set up a schedule to run for an hour, and repeat every hour.

The issue we were having is a group of people would turn up, so we'd run a show... that worked fine if it wasn't going to interfere with the schedule.

We'd then just play a 5 minute generic twinkle sequence on loop. Come 8pm, the next program would start and get maybe 30 seconds into it, and crash because Vixen didn't appear to be stopping the loop playing. Consequently it then meant we needed to manually run the rest of the show that night.

I suspect if we'd just let the schedule run its course, with shows at 7 & 8, we wouldn't have had an issue.

My main questions with LSP, is when importing a Vixen sequence, do I -
a. Need to draw the plan for each sequence I import?
b. Can I draw them onto that specific controller and just drop that mapping onto an imported sequence?
c. The Intro version of LSP only has Minelon and DMX output available... is this going to work with the Entec USB Dongle that we got from AVD, or do we need the Basic LSP license?

What I want to ultimately know is, if I can import a Vixen sequence, point the audio to the right place, then drop the controller settings onto it with the mapping pre-defined?

We did also seem to be having com port issues with LSP last night talking to the dongle... any tips on resolving that?
Update, I've answered a. and b. myself, and will work through importing the sequences when I feel up to it.

Still poses the question though as to if the Intro version of LSP will allow output through the OpenDMX Protocol or not.
There's nothing to suggest it won't. I just think we were doing it wrong last night due to stress levels and frustration.
So just to confirm, in LSP, from the controller list on the left, I select 'Enttec OpenDMX Based Device' under the heading DMX-512 Controllers. Is that correct?

burner said:
I set my USB dongle to the DMX open model, then ran through the wizard to select the USB device and it's working in LSP.
Thanks. We'll give it a go at home. Here in the office, it just generates countless error messages because its not plugged in. Knew I should have bought a 10,000 metre USB cable the other day.

burner said:
Yep, that's the one I'm using at home.
We couldn't get LSP to work on either computer. It did recognise that the USB dongle was attached on one occasion, but wasn't able to control the lights.

We gave up on that and settled on using Vixen to create the sequences and X-Lights to control the show. Last night it ran smoothly. It's set to fire up at 7pm and repeat the one hour sequence until 10pm. The one hour sequence consists of 20 minutes of synched lights followed by a five minute random flashing sequence which repeats eight times.

Last night worked so well, we actually left to visit the Sinnamon Park lights.