Newbie from Gippsland vic

Steve gruis

New elf
Dec 16, 2017
Just wondering what the cost involved in set up usually is just something basic at first and is there any businesses around that come and set it up for myself?
Hi Steve - welcome to ACL. It's hard to define a cost as it depends on what you consider as basic. You have lots of time to have a display ready for 2018 and there are lots of people on here that can help you - way more rewarding than getting a business to help you. Read the 101 manual and you can always drop by chat if you have questions.
I drive interstate and am away all week might get home one or 2 days a fortnight and simply don’t have the time but still have the urge to up my game from where I am now and be one of the best around my area
Maybe just for starters what and where to purchase software and comparable lights I don’t really know my electronics to well
Hi Steve,

I couldn't really comment on if there is a business out there that does setup and program the lights for you here in Australia but we all mainly do this as a hobby. We enjoy the pre-planning, Ordering and Creating. This is so we all have something different and unique. We definitely don't mind at all helping you every step of the way by getting you on to the right supplier (In china), helping you setup the controller, etc but it becomes difficult as everyone's needs are completely different. As we do our own wiring, hanging and programming which you physically need to be at your house to be able to get an idea on how you would like the end result to be.

I would suggest maybe only doing a little bit over a long period of time if you cannot fit in full time due to your current work load. even 1-2 Hours a week over 5 months you can normally get something decent to be displayed just don't leave it last 2-3 months as it becomes very hard as you never know what will come up.

From here I would recommend the 101 Manual and get familiar with the terminology we tend to use and then start gathering a collection of effects, lights and other models that you would like to see. Once gathered post a forum topic and we can discuss options on how to re-create them and what would be the best option to suite your display!

Derf | Jack
Hi Steve
Whereabouts in Gippsland are you? I am in Warragul and run a display if you want to have a look. The workload is not too great when spread over 12 months.
Hi Steve welcome to ACL!
Planning out your time and chipping away all year is certainly the best way to tackle it. We all try to do it but sometime life gets in the way and we panic in Oct-Nov, so stick with it!
As for cost, this can vary greatly depending on what you need and already have. Not only will you need lights, power supplies, controllers and cable to connect them all, but a lot of incidentals can quickly add up. Tools like wire cutters/strippers, multimeter, soldering station and accessories, heatshrink and heat gun, neutral core silicone for waterproofing. Then other hardware such as timber and metal for frame work, electrical conduit for roof/window outline or even arches, the list is almost endless!
Whatever you think you need to budget, add 10-20% :)
Welcome to ACL
The issue with getting someone to do it for you is the expense as labour is one of the biggest cost. Any reputable company has to pay insurance, follow OH&S regulations, pay rent, taxes, employees, super and so on. So for example to normally to do a roof DIY a person will just climb up on his roof (safely I hope) with no harness or safety gear, but to do this professionally then you now need to follow regulations which make it a much more expensive task.
Doing this DIY will save a lot of money but will take a large investment in time. If you don't or cant invest in the time then expect it to cost a lot, lot more.
Most of the guys here that do these displays make this a whole year hobby and chip away at it all year.
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.