Pictures of DMX Tubes


New elf
May 12, 2010
Aspley Brisbane Australia

New to our display this year. 18 x 48 RGB Pixel Grid. We have off set the tubes up and down 1 pixel each way to give us 20 x 48 grid.
We had some failures with the pcb strips and have come up short. We had planed for 55 tubes.



  • Pixels Rainbow.png
    Pixels Rainbow.png
    829.8 KB · Views: 164
  • Pixel Welcome.png
    Pixel Welcome.png
    758.7 KB · Views: 1,675
  • Pixel Welcome.png
    Pixel Welcome.png
    758.7 KB · Views: 8


Construction Pictures
Pixels have been broken off the panel into strips of 6 pixels to be mounted in 3 sections per tube. Making 18 pixels per tube. Each pixel has 3 RGB leds.


Programming DMX ID's



  • Smile.png
    924.9 KB · Views: 170
  • Pixel RGB Strip.png
    Pixel RGB Strip.png
    767.6 KB · Views: 160
  • PCB Panel broken into Pixel Strips.png
    PCB Panel broken into Pixel Strips.png
    1,001.8 KB · Views: 161
  • DMX IDi-ng Pixels.png
    DMX IDi-ng Pixels.png
    854.7 KB · Views: 153
All running on E1.31
One E1.31 to DMX bridge configured to 4 universes. 1 universe per port.


We are running a DMX spiltter with 1 in and 9 output ports all on the same universe. These are for the pixels tubes to make life easier when moving them around and reconfigure for different room sizes. For use after the Christmas show. For church services and so on...


Also we a running 18 DMX 32 channel pwm boards around the complex for the light show this Christmas. These are not used for the the pixels tubes. For normal led strings and so on...


All up we running 10 universes
More pictures and videos to come.... I don't get much time to record the show. We opened up last night and had over 800 people come through. We expect over 20,000 people this year. So happy christmas to all, and I will catch up soon.


  • E1.31 into 4 way DMX Bridge.png
    E1.31 into 4 way DMX Bridge.png
    1 MB · Views: 156
  • 1 in 9 out DMX Splitter.png
    1 in 9 out DMX Splitter.png
    746.1 KB · Views: 151
  • PCB DMX 32 CH PWM Boards.png
    PCB DMX 32 CH PWM Boards.png
    1,020.4 KB · Views: 154

PCB design and artwork done by us here in Brisbane.
PCBCART made the boards.
Mouser the parts came from.
Too many to make by hand. So we use Surtek in Brisbane with their pick and place machines to assemble and solder our pixels.
We did the rest ourselves.
Home brew firmware and software using E1.31 to DMX 512.
We only just got it all going. We are still playing around with all the settings. None of us have any time spare and the shows live everynite. So we little time to fiddle with it...
Very nice X.

You could have a lot of fun working with that! Are you using your own sequencing software as well?

TimW said:
Very nice X.

You could have a lot of fun working with that! Are you using your own sequencing software as well?


Hi Tim, Nice to hear from you. And yes to your question. We run our very own sequencing software. We modded our old program to run E1.31 for DMX this year. We also converted our own controllers (Santa's we call them) to run on E1.31. Each Santa has 48 channels. I took one down to the Melb mini for show and tell. So we can run 10 Santa's per universe.
The pixels use 2592 channels at the moment till we fix the rest of the strips up. So we will end up 30 short of 3000 channels within the tubes.
Very nice work indeed. now thats what i call DIY, theres not much that you didnt build or design yourself even down to the software controlling it. Very impressive