Pixel testers


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
The subject of how to test pixel strings without sequencer and pixel controller came up in chat last week and there was a number of people unaware of the fact that there's 2811 and 2801 pixel testers available. They were originally available in either 5V or 12V versions but they have since become universal 5V-24V version. Ray Wu, ScottLed, Ebay and other places (as well as my store) have them. They can control up to a few thousand pixels providing power is injected. Without power being injected they can directly control about 100 nodes or 1 strip. They have the JST connector on them that is typically supplied on most nodes and strip. They save the last mode that you had it running on which is useful if you're using it for decorative lighting rather than simply for testing. About the only puzzling thing about them is that the buttons are labelled on the front but are actually on the back.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkGeSGmagXQ

(Sorry about the poor video. It's the reason I was after a youtube guru a while back)
Very handy little gadget . As im always testing on one of my bigger controller s and is a pain in the butt ! But can you determine rgb order with them ? Would be great
Thanks for posting alan
Very handy little gadget . As im always testing on one of my bigger controller s and is a pain in the butt ! But can you determine rgb order with them ? Would be great
Thanks for posting alan

There's something like 80 different test patterns that it goes through. If you find 1 with a known red, green, blue, white order then you can use that to confirm matching order on all strips/nodes.
Thats really cool but myself and sure many others would pay more too have a pixel tester to use and determine pixel rgb order simply and easily by being able to select red , green or blue
Just putting an idea out !
Maybe there is a gadget that exist but haven't seen
Myself would be willing to pay $20 or $30 too have a simple tool to test a lot of my half discarded strips to work out what's what easily !
Is it possible or is there such a thing ?
Hey dave yes well I would be customer no1 if anyone could provide
Over the last few years have many strips had to repair and replace as we do and off cuts here there and everywhere!
But too have an actual tool to determine rgb orders of the bits and pieces we have leftover simply and easy would be priceless!
As said I reckon if is possible definetly would feel it is an actual tool alongside the multimeter and soldering iron!
Bit of food for thought
But for myself would buy save me so much trouble !
Thanks guys
Hey dave yes well I would be customer no1 if anyone could provide
Over the last few years have many strips had to repair and replace as we do and off cuts here there and everywhere!
But too have an actual tool to determine rgb orders of the bits and pieces we have leftover simply and easy would be priceless!
As said I reckon if is possible definetly would feel it is an actual tool alongside the multimeter and soldering iron!
Bit of food for thought
But for myself would buy save me so much trouble !
Thanks guys

Hi, a link to some work I did last year for testing my setup. If anyone wants to tweak it feel free.

There's settings on it for just 1 colour. Plug it in and the red channel will light up, mode + will change to green, mode + to blue. Go back to the start and then try the next nodes/strip.

As an afterthought you could make up a "thingy" with 3 in it and have 1 configured for red, 1 for green and 1 for blue. Just switch between them.
There's settings on it for just 1 colour. Plug it in and the red channel will light up, mode + will change to green, mode + to blue. Go back to the start and then try the next nodes/strip.

As an afterthought you could make up a "thingy" with 3 in it and have 1 configured for red, 1 for green and 1 for blue. Just switch between them.
Thanks again alan .
Hey alan sorry for being a pain in the ass
Buts thats me according to my wife
I am basically mechanical orientated and can fix almost anything ! Unfortunately my mind has only basic electronics and computer skills . Has served me well creating crazy light lady's display over the years ! I can build create solder weld etc etc . But as my life goes on I like too have the right tool for the job as such !
As have spent most of my life making do as such ! So yes your post got me thinking ,
Can you or anyone create a Tool for xmas light community to test strips and rgb order by simply pressing red button green ,blue, button
Would rather pay the extra for a proper tool designed for the job than make do .
Once again sorry for being a pain
I might have a crack at making such a tester. It won't be ready in time to use for this year's setup though.

Hey david
And yeah critical times at moment for all of us !
So if you get a little spare time after xmas and can produce such a tool sign me up !
Thanks dave
i am thinking about building a battery powered tester, for when i am climbing over the roof trying to solve issues... maybe i can re-purpose the battery pack i bought for my tune to sign.
Yeah that would be the most handy solution for me too Heath. Pain in the butt draggin up a power supply to test one string. Little battery pack is the go they are worth nothing these days and easy to adapt it into the tester