Pixels Strips on Gutters

Thank you. I am also about to install gutter lights and debating about using the conduit method direct to the gutter, or nailing the lights to the eaves directly behind the facia.

If you plan to mount something permanent then it may be wise to invest in something like the Aluminium diffused channel as this will look the part and not look like some tacked on addition. It will cost more but it will be done right and look great all year around even when the lights are off during the day
i use the suntuff strips, cut to length for the fascia, use the small square mounting thingys (sticky tape on back) -they stay up all year. as for corners just let the strip float around the corner and into the next piece of suntuff strip.
As its uv protection also protects the strip, 4 years now and no problems at all.
Lightweight and easy to hang, just zip tie with white zipties.
Would suggest 20mm pvc if hanging that way and use a few more supports. cheaper and cleaner (25mm pretty large and weighty)
cheers Boof63
Thank you. I am also about to install gutter lights and debating about using the conduit method direct to the gutter, or nailing the lights to the eaves directly behind the facia.

Here's some images of how I did mine.
The holes in the conduit matched my "Fairy LED's" 5 mm on the front face for the led and 6.5 mm on the back for it to pass through.
The saddles were routed out with an 8 mm drill bit to allow the cable to pass through without being stressed or damaged
I painted the conduit with water e based paint to match the fascia.


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i use the suntuff strips, cut to length for the fascia, use the small square mounting thingys (sticky tape on back) -they stay up all year. as for corners just let the strip float around the corner and into the next piece of suntuff strip.
As its uv protection also protects the strip, 4 years now and no problems at all.
Lightweight and easy to hang, just zip tie with white zipties.
Would suggest 20mm pvc if hanging that way and use a few more supports. cheaper and cleaner (25mm pretty large and weighty)
cheers Boof63

Do you have a picture of these "small square mounting thingys"?? Lol, sounds like it might be a good option for me to look at...
Yes those are the small square sticky things that i use, on the roof they breakdwn in about 3 years ,b ut on the eaves 4/5 years and no probelms at all.
cheers Boof63
PS thanks andrewa for the link
Bad pictures but this is my install for bullet nodes and strips.

During day, you can't see anything


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Hey @mccar are you able to post pics of your strip you brought along to the mini? Just another way to use it for attachment.
How do you attach yours Jamie?? I've been looking at some options, but am hoping not to use screws or anything that puts holes in my new weatherboards this year???
I bought some earth magnets and heat shrinked them. Then liqiud nails them onto the suntuf end cap. Magnet them onto the facia amd slide in tne lights like you know.. Works a treat...
I use option 1 as well, however I also cheated in a couple places and rounded out the corner if it was not too sharp. The strip was at the end and I did not feel like cutting off 4 inches.
And... BAM !! ... winner....this makes my 500th message... ;):D