Power Injection Sanity Check


New elf
Dec 16, 2016
I just want to get a thumbs up or thumbs down before I "fire" this up. Not wanting to burn my house down.
I have two strings, one is 125ft, 250 nodes, 18 AWG wire, the other is 153 ft, 306 noes 18AWG wire.

I have one 300 watt 12VDC power supply at each end of the string and a 12AWG wire 125ft between the two power supplies connecting the grounds together.

Good to go?

I'm just using two generic 12VDC landscape lighting power supplies. Nothing special ie, constant current, or constant voltage supplies that I read about when paralleling power supplies.


***Edit** Yes I was probably going to burn the house down...got it now, don't connect the positive wires together. Since I've already run the wire this way, can I simply cut the positive wire halfway down the strings?
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You can simply cut the positive wire between the two power supplies at the 278th pixel, balance the load between the two power supplies. Check then check again, then get some one else to check.