Brisbane/Qld QLD Mini 2020 - Ipswich - CANCELLED

Event details

Event date
Saturday, Jun 6, 2020 Sunday, Jun 7, 2020
Registration deadline
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020
Maximum guests
Username Guest count Note
David_AVD David_AVD 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Superman Superman 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Helty Helty 1 Spoiler content hidden.
C ChristmasInKaralee 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D dale82 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B BAZMick 1 Spoiler content hidden.
bretheron bretheron 1 Spoiler content hidden.
BooY BooY 2
jamesski jamesski 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Andy247 Andy247 2
Jarrad33 Jarrad33 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jay.S Jay.S 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B bpratt 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D Domo 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jayxdallis Jayxdallis 1
Shane G Shane G 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Bendy Bendy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
R roy.debruin 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Rickras85 Rickras85 1 Spoiler content hidden.
M Marty S 1 Spoiler content hidden.
J joekin 1 Spoiler content hidden.
twbalights twbalights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Dreamin Dreamin 2 Spoiler content hidden.
BradsXmasLights BradsXmasLights 1
I itsdorny 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Albrador Albrador 2 Spoiler content hidden.
M miked 1 Spoiler content hidden.
N nigelwyreema 1
Giles1 Giles1 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D Damien 2 Spoiler content hidden.
P Pircy 1 Spoiler content hidden.


I Have C.L.A.P and its very infectious
Global moderator
May 29, 2010
Yes we have a date,
How you ask?. It's the only weekend when all the people involved with running it have aligned their calender's.
I will be looking into a couple of different venues over the next week as we have out grown Geoff's Man cave.
Details and announcements will be posted in this thread and we will get a page on the wiki going too.

About this event:
Date: 6th-7th June 2020
Place: 38 waterfront place Karalee
Time: TBA
Cost: $15 Sat $10 Sun

The Qld Mini is an event held every year with the assistance of AusChristmasLighting members to gather and learn from each other about our passion for Computer Controlled Christmas Lighting.
It's a great way to get a hands on look at what other successful displays do to achieve their shows, it's also a great opportunity to put names to faces from people you may have spoken too in the chat room.
We will be running a number of talks and learning sessions over the whole weekend, If possible, do try and attend both days as there is always a lot to see and learn.
Feel free to add your comments and interest to this thread. We will call out for attendance numbers soon.

See you all there
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The wiki has been updated to include the Brisbane 2020 mini details. See

Can everyone that has registered above please edit it and add into the notes area what days you will be coming (if only one then please state which one). I need this information so I know how many to cater for.

Cost will be as per previous years $15 for Sat and $10 for Sun. Lunch will be provided for both days and there will be plenty of snacks and drinks for the two days.

For all those that will be attending the mini, this year I will be collecting money before hand. This will allow me to better prepare what and how much food and drinks I will need to get and will also ensure I am not out of pocket if members do not turn up.

I will also be posting a lunch menu for you to pre-order, but don't get excited it will be Burger (your choice of toppings) and chips for Sat lunch and not sure yet for Sun lunch. If you have suggestions then please let me know.

Sat morning there will be a BBQ Bacon and eggs breakfast so please be on time (0800) if you wish to have breakie.

I will provide further details closer to the date and will request you do a bank transfer.


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Steve-Host (Superman)
Geoff-Host) (ChristmasinKaralee)
BooY + 1 Pending work commitments
Should I check the price for the community hall in Narangba? Can also check with the local school...
If there is no objections I think I will just have it again at my place. With the amount of stuff that Steve and I set up it would be easier, where if it was somewhere else I wouldn’t be able to take much, small boot and would have to rely on others. Also nil hire cost lol.

For those that have not been to my place I have a decent amount of room. It’s a shed but does have carpet floor, ceiling fans, ceiling mounted projector and plenty of chairs and tables. It’s also 9m x 9m.
Yes very happy with your shed again Geoff. It was great last year. With a small shuffle I’m sure we could fit in a few extras
Can everyone that has registered above please edit it and add into the notes area what days you will be coming (if only one then please state which one). I need this information so I know how many to cater for.

Cost will be as per previous years $15 for Sat and $10 for Sun. Lunch will be provided for both days and there will be plenty of snacks and drinks for the two days.

Hey Guy's are these dates lock in? as I will put in for leave to get them off
also is there some where I can book accommodation close to the venue?
The dates are locked so go ahead and book leave etc. As for accommodation, some members book in Ipswich, maybe they can let you know which one.

A couple of members have also booked an Airbnb in Karalee so only 2min from my house and is very cheap, so that's another option.