Brisbane/Qld QLD Mini 2020 - Ipswich - CANCELLED

Event details

Event date
Saturday, Jun 6, 2020 Sunday, Jun 7, 2020
Registration deadline
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020
Maximum guests
Username Guest count Note
David_AVD David_AVD 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Superman Superman 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Helty Helty 1 Spoiler content hidden.
C ChristmasInKaralee 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D dale82 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B BAZMick 1 Spoiler content hidden.
bretheron bretheron 1 Spoiler content hidden.
BooY BooY 2
jamesski jamesski 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Andy247 Andy247 2
Jarrad33 Jarrad33 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jay.S Jay.S 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B bpratt 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D Domo 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jayxdallis Jayxdallis 1
Shane G Shane G 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Bendy Bendy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
R roy.debruin 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Rickras85 Rickras85 1 Spoiler content hidden.
M Marty S 1 Spoiler content hidden.
J joekin 1 Spoiler content hidden.
twbalights twbalights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Dreamin Dreamin 2 Spoiler content hidden.
BradsXmasLights BradsXmasLights 1
I itsdorny 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Albrador Albrador 2 Spoiler content hidden.
M miked 1 Spoiler content hidden.
N nigelwyreema 1
Giles1 Giles1 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D Damien 2 Spoiler content hidden.
P Pircy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
I will say anyone that needs to look at accom should do it now. There is another event in Ipswich that does book the whole town out. Winternationals at Willowbank Raceway
This is a BNB property that is over Geoff's side of the world (LINK)
Apart from that all the Booking sites show the main accom in Ipswich. The venue is 10-15mins drive from town If anyone is coming without a car please shout out There will be someone that could give you a lift..
Just a reminder when registering please add in the comments if you will be attending both days and if only one then state Sat or Sun. Sat is the main day and for any new person Sat is a must.

For those that have already registered and have add day, can you please edit your registration.

We are hoping for plenty of great door prizes again.

I know the venue has been set however I am happy to hold it at my place. It was run there several years ago. 9x12 shed with fans and plenty of parking space for cars. @Superman knows the place. Completely up to you guys just another options.
Thanks Joe. We will keep it as a backup if our numbers explode. Welcome back mate. I've herd all your secret
You do know they haven't had a tree competition since you left
For all those that will be attending the mini, this year I will be collecting money before hand. This will allow me to better prepare what and how much food and drinks I will need to get and will also ensure I am not out of pocket if members do not turn up.

I will also be posting a lunch menu for you to pre-order, but don't get excited it will be Burger (your choice of toppings) and chips for Sat lunch and not sure yet for Sun lunch. If you have suggestions then please let me know.

Sat morning there will be a BBQ Bacon and eggs breakfast so please be on time (0800) if you wish to have breakie.

I will provide further details closer to the date and will request you do a bank transfer.

