"Steel Angel"


Full time elf
Dec 13, 2010
Harrisdale, WA
This is my new Mega-Tree topper, "Steel Angel", she stands about 1metre high and made from 5mm steel rod. I'm having difficulty figuring out what type of lighting she should wear. Pixels may be to big and tacky was looking for the 8mm pixel but no one makes them anymore or the copper wire strings wrapped around. Any ideas?
Steel Angel.jpg
If you didn't want to individually control pixels, this may be the time to hack an old big W set. at least the led's were smaller. No matter what you do, it will look a little ragged with strings tied to it, but it is very nice work and will look a treat when lit up.
If you didn't want to individually control pixels, this may be the time to hack an old big W set. at least the led's were smaller. No matter what you do, it will look a little ragged with strings tied to it, but it is very nice work and will look a treat when lit up.

Unless you're seasoned and got them in your stash of lights - lots of luck finding them.
End of season last year saw me hunting for all the light sales. I gave all the multi controller lights a miss as they were the two wire varieties and ended up getting the the "constant on" LED variety. I ended up with pink, blue, purple, red, green and warm white that were so warm they looked yellow. I have hacked a couple of different colours to be able to "mix up the lights" and make the frames more interesting colour wise without spending a fortune.
I have been patiently cable tying these beasts to wire frames and I must admit that they look pretty drab with all the wires and cable ties hanging all over the place. HOWEVER, the lights look beaut of a night and you cant see the "mess" of wires and ties.
Different colours on your angel would look a treat. Warm white for the wings, purple or blue for the body, pink for the hands and head
I figure what ever you do she will look absolutely wonderful and will be the talk of your display.
Hanson Electronics sells a DMX 2-wire DC board if you want to drive 2-wire strings. I've used a couple of them and they work well.
Thanks guys, looking at the PL9823-F5 Pixel LED. It has a WS2811 chip inside the 5mm LED body so I could make a string of mini pixels or a small PCB and plastic clip fixed to the back of the PCB to clip onto the 5mm steel rod but nothing definite.

Thanks guys, looking at the PL9823-F5 Pixel LED. It has a WS2811 chip inside the 5mm LED body so I could make a string of mini pixels or a small PCB and plastic clip fixed to the back of the PCB to clip onto the 5mm steel rod but nothing definite.
Wow, thats some task ahead of you. Good thing you're starting now. It will be blinky time before you know it. :eek: