Sydney/NSW Sydney 2012 Mini Interest Thread - Not to be missed


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
For those that have never been to a mini or dont know what its about, well its a place where we all meet to learn from eachother and see hands on examples of members creations and ideas as well as different controllers, types of RGB lights and many more things that can be seen and discussed on the day. Everyone always comes away with new ideas and are more knowledgable for the experience.

Date: Sunday 8th of July. (08/07/12)
Venue: Sydney Fish Markets (conference room)

We have an interest thread that I would to change to a confirmed list for the event

List of Interested members

1: Fasteddy
2: cscool36
3: Random
4: wjohn (if he is around)
5: Jim
6: talk2coxie
7: Yagoona Lights
8: Westy27
9: Wombat
10: JPB
11: LithgowLights
12: Christmas in the Shire
13: G.Hain
14: grahami2006
15: dpavisic
16: tonylights
17: AussiePhil
18: Lytnin
cscool36 said:
Count Me in but don't make it the 24 of july.

i wont make that mistake again, the wife hasnt let me forget about last time with it being on her birthday
would be interested in meeting you lot. it will give me insight into what happens if I don't do anything to cure my case of CLAP :p
I might even try and get there on a saturday, if I can tie a trip to sydney with work.
I'm definitely interested again this year and will try to make it if the date works out for me.
I can't encourage people enough (especially newbies) to attend their state mini (or even an interstate one) if you can.
They certainly give you ideas for your display and of course the "how to" not alone get to know fellow enthusiasts to our hobby.
From experience there are no stupid questions for the newbies to be apprehensive about asking and there is always someone willing to help answer your questions.
I wonder how may mini's I can try and con work into letting me get to his year?
I have just added a list of interested members in the first post of this thread of the members that would like to attend the mini.

If your interested in attending the Sydney Mini around mid year (date will be confirmed later) then please show your interest here so we can get a rough idea on potential numbers, When the date and venue are confirmed we will then look for confirmed attendees to finalise preperation.

For those that dont know what a mini is, well it is a time to get together and share ideas and knowledge and actually see working examples. Definetly not to be missed.
Re: Sydney 2012 Mini Interest Thread - Not to be missed

Ill be there of course