Touble with the visualiser

Is your new PC on the smart network as your D1Minis?
You don't have an FPP proxy set. Do you have an RPi running FPP?
You have universes 1-5 set for all five D1 Minis but different channel numbers. Your universe numbers should change also for each D1 mini. = 1-5 =6-10 = 11-15
Well that little nugget is getting stored away in the memory bank!
Funny how things makes perfect sense once you know the reasoning behind
Is your new PC on the smart network as your D1Minis?
You don't have an FPP proxy set. Do you have an RPi running FPP?
You have universes 1-5 set for all five D1 Minis but different channel numbers. Your universe numbers should change also for each D1 mini. = 1-5 =6-10 = 11-15
Yes, I have an RPi running FPP.
The computer is on a different network. 192.168.1.x
RPi and wemos 192.168.8.x
I don't understand. So far, it has worked with these settings.
Everything still works now, only the "Visualis" button has become inactive since I reinstalled xLight.
So you need to take note of Keith's post. Enter the vendor in the controller config that in your screenshot was blank
Thanks. Indeed, if I set "something" then the "Visulaise" button will be active. This is interesting because in previous versions it worked without this. And I made these Wemos drivers based on a description found on the internet. In this case, which manufacturer and type should I set?
I would assume it would be trial and error (and you may end up not being able to use it this way), but I’d try the pihat and see can you configure using the same universe, size that your device is using.

it will really depend on how ‘configured’ xlights takes the vendor detail. If it’s looking at gpio pins etc well it’s not going to work on your devices, but if it just assumes port 1 is the start and carries the calculation forward based on the sizing you’ve keyed in you may be in luck.
Create your own controller XML file in the xlights controller directory. This is where the capabilities of each controller is described which the visualiser needs.