Video projection first attempt.

Hmmm, don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging the concept...I can see the benefit of adding this as a component into a display - a bit like adding in the virtual santa projection - to add something different but I'd hate to see it replace the real lights.
To be honest, the two houses with just the projections seemed to be lacking the Xmas spirit.. (ok one was a halloween house but you get the idea). I particularly didn't like the one with the fake Xmas lights projected on the windows. So much of the magic comes from the real pretty blinky things.... otherwise it's like watching TV on a house.

I preferred the matrix house ;) .
Having said that, Shell's point about putting up the Xmas display in 10 mins does have some appeal :D ..... but I'm not sure that the kids that visit the house would be so impressed with no real lights :'( [SIZE=78%].[/SIZE]

Funny thing this year... I put up more strings of leds that I can count, motifs, inflatables and had blinking RGB to music, and despite all that, the thing that people stood next to the most for photos was a relatively cheap 5 ft white Xmas tree from the warehouse with two $20 dollar strings of blue leds from K-mart. ::) Go figure!
I dont think its something that will replace lights, but instead its something new and different that some will choose to use in the future. Its just another option for us to be as creative as we want
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't putting down the idea. I think it could be a very cool addition to a display and certainly would add to the creativity.... My comments were more directed at the two houses that seemed to have replaced real lights and props for pure projection.
Will be interested to see how this develops for the hobby.
Dude! Really? Did you have to use the worst video? Peter Cottontail was terrible! You could have use this one:
Beethoven Virus performed by BanYa! 2013 Easter Display at the happyholidayhome

or the best Christmas song on the matrix:
Carol of the Bells Medley 2012 at the happyholidayhome
Another consideration is the projector itself. 3k for the projector that could walk away! (you should talk with Ray, he can get you a much higher Lumen projector for less than that price on the website) When I was in San Jose I had a projector grow legs inside a steel box chained to a tree!!!! (that's why I never upgraded to lasers! and the fact you could burn eyes out if you aren't careful) The good thing is you really only have to worry about being vandalized, cause who is going to steal the pixel screen! I look forward to seeing video of the projection on your house, and seeing the differences time of day make and street lighting and what not. Maybe we can get a little teaser soon and not have to wait for Halloween or Christmas?
logandc99 is my new favorite member ;)
Yeah, I know, it's old, but so am I (61 in a few days) question is, how would you synchronize the projector (or I guess the video itself) to your lighting sequencer program...I'm just getting started, making progress but still dumb as dirt about most of this blinky stuff, and I have yet to see the option to incorporate a video file into any of the sequencers...I plan on a multi-format show, including rgb pixels, projection, and a water fountain, so any pointers and advice would be much appreciated