== Australian Melbourne Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2011 Australian Melbourne Mini.
|marker1 = 1K Marine Parade ABBOTSFORD Melbourne
=== Dates, Times and The boring detail ===
'''Date:''' June 4-5, 2011
'''Times:''' 10am - 5pm Saturday, 9am - 3pm Sunday, Saturday night you can all be social-stars at your own leisure (or if you are interested the Tuppets will be happy to arrange dinner at one of our local nightlife areas or possibly a BBQ at our house which is 5 mins from the venue - may be a bit cold in June.)
'''LOCATION:''' [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1K+Marine+Parade,+Abbotsford+3067,+Melbourne&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=75.542478,89.736328&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1K+Marine+Parade,+Abbotsford+Victoria+3067,+Australia&ll=-37.803206,144.9996&spn=0.002388,0.002739&z=19&iwloc=A CNC Design Pty Ltd, 1K Marine Parade ABBOTSFORD, MELBOURNE 3067] ( our hosts the tuppets ), its just out of the Melbourne CDB. Its 2km NE of Melbourne CBD ( 10 minutes by car, 15 by tram )...Note we have a weird numbering system in the street 1K is 50 m from Nicholson Street on RHS.
'''COSTS:''' $A20 per person ( coffee/tea/and all that stuff ), payable in Cash on the day
'''Forum Discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,407.0.html
=== Whats happening ===
{| class="wikitable" width="65%"
! width="15%" |
! width="10%" |Time
! width="75%" colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="4" | SATURDAY - 4th June
| Tuppetsdad
| 8:00 am
| Early open for set up
| Tuppet
| 9:00 am
! colspan="2" | Pancake breakfast
| 10:00 am
| Meet & Greet
| Getting to know you
| Tuppet
| 10:30 am
| Presentation
| Introduction to Christmas lighting. LEDs, incandescents and static displays.
| Aussiexmas (Geoff)
| 11:00 am
| Discussion
| Construction products - mini trees,
| davidt & AussiePhil
| 11:30 am
| Presentation
| Introduction to computer controlled Christmas lights. Different systems, costs and challenges. DMX vs LOR, compatibility and requirements.
| Tuppetsdad, Mrpackethead, Ray Wu, Davidt, et al
| 12:00 pm
| Demonstration
| Lights from various vendors on display
| 12:30 pm
! colspan="2" | LUNCH with ongoing lights demonstration
| TimW?
| 1:30 pm
| Demonstration
| Vixen 2.x sequencer
| Mrpackethead
| 2:00 pm
| Demonstration
| LightShow Pro
| Mrpackethead
| 2:30 pm
| Demonstration
| Madrix
| 3:00 pm
! colspan="2" | Afternoon Tea
| wJohn
| rowspan="2" | 3:30 pm
| Workshop
| Soldering 101 (additional cost)
| Discussion
| General chat session
| 4:30 pm
| Discussion
| FM Radio transmission: What you need and the legalities
| 5:00 pm
| Trade
| Car boot sale part 1 - old controllers, wireframes, and old led light sets (no incandesents please)
! colspan="4" | DINNER (optional and at additional cost)
{| class="wikitable" width="65%"
! width="15%" |
! width="10%" |Time
! width="75%" colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="4" | SUNDAY - 5th June
| 9:00 am
| Discussion
| Importing lights
| 9:30 am
| Presentation
| Pixel strings
| AussiePhil
| 10:00 am
| Presentation
| Sequencing with large channel counts (from 1 to 10,000)
| 11:00 am
! colspan="2" | Morning Tea
| Mrpackethead
| 11:30 am
| Workshop
| Building a Mega Tree in 30 minutes
| Mrpackethead
| 12:00 pm
| 12:30 pm
! colspan="2" | BBQ LUNCH
| 1:00 pm
| Presentation
| E1.31 - what is it and what does it have to do with Christmas lights?
| Mrpackethead
| 1:45 pm
| Presentation
| From Mega Tree to Gigaforest
| 2:30 pm
| Trade
| Car boot sale part 2 - old controllers, wireframes, and old led light sets (no incandesents please)
| 3:00 pm
! colspan="2" | Afternoon Tea
| 3:15 pm
| Farewell and clean up
All presenters should note: half hour sessions mean 15 minute presentations - allow time for questions, discussion and setup.
==== Presenters ====
'''WORKSHOPS:''' Volunteers still needed for some sessions - see the schedule above. Presenters need to talk for about 10 minutes and be happy to answer questions/facilitate discussion, but don't panic there will be lots of people to help.
'''FACILITIES:''' Internet access, Projector, Display area, Meeting room, Kitchen etc.
'''BOOTSALE''': One mans junk is another mans treasure.. Bring along all you unwanted un-used or mis-understood blinky flashy things that you no longer want, and trade / sell / giveaway / swap with all your good friend. Save the ebay and paypal fees!
'''DISPLAYS:''' Warehouse area has space for displays so let Tuppets know if you are want to set up anything and we can help (if it's really big we also have electricians on site and three phase).
=== Who is coming ===
''up to date as of Tuesday 31 May 2011''
# AussiePhil
# Tuppet
# Tuppetsdad
# Robbo
# Mrpackethead
# wjohn
# Dave
# Artzy (Paul)
# Bridgette
# charltonmick
# TimW
# DavidT
# Klanger
# Michael Sullivan
# Lithgowlights (Dave)
# daunce
# Steve
# Joekin
# Aussiexmas (Geoff)
# jeffrae
# Brownie (Ben)
# AAH (Saturday only)
# Angela
* J
* piesrule
=== Event Streaming ===
Being sorted out..
=== Sponsors ===
Stuff would be gratefully accepted for use as prizes / giveaways..
Stellascapes will put up one E16 pixel controller and 8 strings of RGB leds as a starter.
CNC Design will also have a few gifts....
Regards Andrew ( mrpackethead )
== Australian Melbourne Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2011 Australian Melbourne Mini.
|marker1 = 1K Marine Parade ABBOTSFORD Melbourne
=== Dates, Times and The boring detail ===
'''Date:''' June 4-5, 2011
'''Times:''' 10am - 5pm Saturday, 9am - 3pm Sunday, Saturday night you can all be social-stars at your own leisure (or if you are interested the Tuppets will be happy to arrange dinner at one of our local nightlife areas or possibly a BBQ at our house which is 5 mins from the venue - may be a bit cold in June.)
'''LOCATION:''' [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1K+Marine+Parade,+Abbotsford+3067,+Melbourne&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=75.542478,89.736328&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1K+Marine+Parade,+Abbotsford+Victoria+3067,+Australia&ll=-37.803206,144.9996&spn=0.002388,0.002739&z=19&iwloc=A CNC Design Pty Ltd, 1K Marine Parade ABBOTSFORD, MELBOURNE 3067] ( our hosts the tuppets ), its just out of the Melbourne CDB. Its 2km NE of Melbourne CBD ( 10 minutes by car, 15 by tram )...Note we have a weird numbering system in the street 1K is 50 m from Nicholson Street on RHS.
'''COSTS:''' $A20 per person ( coffee/tea/and all that stuff ), payable in Cash on the day
'''Forum Discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,407.0.html
=== Whats happening ===
{| class="wikitable" width="65%"
! width="15%" |
! width="10%" |Time
! width="75%" colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="4" | SATURDAY - 4th June
| Tuppetsdad
| 8:00 am
| Early open for set up
| Tuppet
| 9:00 am
! colspan="2" | Pancake breakfast
| 10:00 am
| Meet & Greet
| Getting to know you
| Tuppet
| 10:30 am
| Presentation
| Introduction to Christmas lighting. LEDs, incandescents and static displays.
| Aussiexmas (Geoff)
| 11:00 am
| Discussion
| Construction products - mini trees,
| davidt & AussiePhil
| 11:30 am
| Presentation
| Introduction to computer controlled Christmas lights. Different systems, costs and challenges. DMX vs LOR, compatibility and requirements.
| Tuppetsdad, Mrpackethead, Ray Wu, Davidt, et al
| 12:00 pm
| Demonstration
| Lights from various vendors on display
| 12:30 pm
! colspan="2" | LUNCH with ongoing lights demonstration
| TimW?
| 1:30 pm
| Demonstration
| Vixen 2.x sequencer
| Mrpackethead
| 2:00 pm
| Demonstration
| LightShow Pro
| Mrpackethead
| 2:30 pm
| Demonstration
| Madrix
| 3:00 pm
! colspan="2" | Afternoon Tea
| wJohn
| rowspan="2" | 3:30 pm
| Workshop
| Soldering 101 (additional cost)
| Discussion
| General chat session
| 4:30 pm
| Discussion
| FM Radio transmission: What you need and the legalities
| 5:00 pm
| Trade
| Car boot sale part 1 - old controllers, wireframes, and old led light sets (no incandesents please)
! colspan="4" | DINNER (optional and at additional cost)
{| class="wikitable" width="65%"
! width="15%" |
! width="10%" |Time
! width="75%" colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="4" | SUNDAY - 5th June
| 9:00 am
| Discussion
| Importing lights
| 9:30 am
| Presentation
| Pixel strings
| AussiePhil
| 10:00 am
| Presentation
| Sequencing with large channel counts (from 1 to 10,000)
| 11:00 am
! colspan="2" | Morning Tea
| Mrpackethead
| 11:30 am
| Workshop
| Building a Mega Tree in 30 minutes
| Mrpackethead
| 12:00 pm
| 12:30 pm
! colspan="2" | BBQ LUNCH
| 1:00 pm
| Presentation
| E1.31 - what is it and what does it have to do with Christmas lights?
| Mrpackethead
| 1:45 pm
| Presentation
| From Mega Tree to Gigaforest
| 2:30 pm
| Trade
| Car boot sale part 2 - old controllers, wireframes, and old led light sets (no incandesents please)
| 3:00 pm
! colspan="2" | Afternoon Tea
| 3:15 pm
| Farewell and clean up
All presenters should note: half hour sessions mean 15 minute presentations - allow time for questions, discussion and setup.
==== Presenters ====
'''WORKSHOPS:''' Volunteers still needed for some sessions - see the schedule above. Presenters need to talk for about 10 minutes and be happy to answer questions/facilitate discussion, but don't panic there will be lots of people to help.
'''FACILITIES:''' Internet access, Projector, Display area, Meeting room, Kitchen etc.
'''BOOTSALE''': One mans junk is another mans treasure.. Bring along all you unwanted un-used or mis-understood blinky flashy things that you no longer want, and trade / sell / giveaway / swap with all your good friend. Save the ebay and paypal fees!
'''DISPLAYS:''' Warehouse area has space for displays so let Tuppets know if you are want to set up anything and we can help (if it's really big we also have electricians on site and three phase).
=== Who is coming ===
''up to date as of Tuesday 31 May 2011''
# AussiePhil
# Tuppet
# Tuppetsdad
# Robbo
# Mrpackethead
# wjohn
# Dave
# Artzy (Paul)
# Bridgette
# charltonmick
# TimW
# DavidT
# Klanger
# Michael Sullivan
# Lithgowlights (Dave)
# daunce
# Steve
# Joekin
# Aussiexmas (Geoff)
# jeffrae
# Brownie (Ben)
# AAH (Saturday only)
# Angela
* J
* piesrule
=== Event Streaming ===
Being sorted out..
=== Sponsors ===
Stuff would be gratefully accepted for use as prizes / giveaways..
Stellascapes will put up one E16 pixel controller and 8 strings of RGB leds as a starter.
CNC Design will also have a few gifts....
Regards Andrew ( mrpackethead )
2011 Minis
List of Mini Expos
Melbourne Minis
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