== Australian Sydney Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2011 Australian Sydney Mini.
=== Dates and Times ===
|marker1 = Upper Hawkesbury Power Boat Club, George St, Windsor, NSW
'''When:''' Sunday 24th of July 8.30am to 5.00pm
'''Where:''' [http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Governor+Phillip+Park,+richmond&aq=&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=41.01289,84.990234&ie=UTF8&hq=Governor+Phillip+Park,+richmond&hnear=Governor+Phillip+Park,+Sydney+New+South+Wales+2756&ll=-33.598392,150.81954&spn=0.035746,0.082998&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=1081283275369043424 Upper Hawkesbury Power Boat Club, Windsor in the upstairs hall]
'''Related Forum Discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,679.0.html
'''Costs:''' $A10-15 per person
=== Attendees ===
# Fasteddy (confirmed)
# Kool-Lights + 1 (confirmed)
# Lytnin (confirmed)
# Wombat (confirmed)
# CraigG + 1 (confirmed)
# Yagoona Lights (confirmed)
# cscool36 + 1 (confirmed)
# talk2coxie (confirmed)
# JPB (confirmed)
# LithgowLights + 1 (confirmed)
# Christmas in the Shire (confirmed)
# Protocoldroid (confirmed)
* Maybe attending:
** piesrule
** Bridgette
=== Final Agenda ===
{| class="wikitable" width="65%"
! width="22%" |
! width="10%" | Time
! width="68%" colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="4" | SUNDAY - 24th July
| 8:00am
| width="25%" |
| Set Up & Early Bird Breakfast
| Matt E (kool-lites) & Dave K
| 8:30am
| Introduction
| Welcome, House Rules and Introduction
| Fasteddy
| 9:00am
| Presentation
| Introduction to RGB lighting
| lithgowlights
| 9:30am
| Demonstration
| The making of the balls
| All
| 10:00am
! colspan="2"| Morning Tea/Coffee
| Fasteddy
| 10:30am
| Demonstration
| LightShow Pro 2
| lithgowlights
| 11:00am
| Demonstration
| Vixen
| Matt.E (kool-lites)
| 11:30am
| Demonstration
| AVR & Prop Programming
| All
| 12:00pm
! colspan="2"| LUNCH
| Fasteddy
| 1:00pm
| Presentation
| Introduction to E1.31
| Fasteddy
| 1:30pm
| Presentation Demonstration
| Running LOR equipment in DMX
| 1:50pm
| How-to
| Audacity and trimming audio tracks
| 2:10pm
| Demonstration
| Cat 5 Terminating and Crimping
| Matt.E (kool-lites)
| 2:30pm
| Demonstration
| SMD Soldering
| All
| 3:00pm
| Prize Draw
| Lucky Door Prize Draw
| All
| 3:10pm
! colspan="2" | Afternoon Tea
| All
| 3:30pm
| Show Off
| Show and tell workshop
| 5:00pm
| Finish
== Australian Sydney Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2011 Australian Sydney Mini.
=== Dates and Times ===
|marker1 = Upper Hawkesbury Power Boat Club, George St, Windsor, NSW
'''When:''' Sunday 24th of July 8.30am to 5.00pm
'''Where:''' [http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Governor+Phillip+Park,+richmond&aq=&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=41.01289,84.990234&ie=UTF8&hq=Governor+Phillip+Park,+richmond&hnear=Governor+Phillip+Park,+Sydney+New+South+Wales+2756&ll=-33.598392,150.81954&spn=0.035746,0.082998&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=1081283275369043424 Upper Hawkesbury Power Boat Club, Windsor in the upstairs hall]
'''Related Forum Discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,679.0.html
'''Costs:''' $A10-15 per person
=== Attendees ===
# Fasteddy (confirmed)
# Kool-Lights + 1 (confirmed)
# Lytnin (confirmed)
# Wombat (confirmed)
# CraigG + 1 (confirmed)
# Yagoona Lights (confirmed)
# cscool36 + 1 (confirmed)
# talk2coxie (confirmed)
# JPB (confirmed)
# LithgowLights + 1 (confirmed)
# Christmas in the Shire (confirmed)
# Protocoldroid (confirmed)
* Maybe attending:
** piesrule
** Bridgette
=== Final Agenda ===
{| class="wikitable" width="65%"
! width="22%" |
! width="10%" | Time
! width="68%" colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="4" | SUNDAY - 24th July
| 8:00am
| width="25%" |
| Set Up & Early Bird Breakfast
| Matt E (kool-lites) & Dave K
| 8:30am
| Introduction
| Welcome, House Rules and Introduction
| Fasteddy
| 9:00am
| Presentation
| Introduction to RGB lighting
| lithgowlights
| 9:30am
| Demonstration
| The making of the balls
| All
| 10:00am
! colspan="2"| Morning Tea/Coffee
| Fasteddy
| 10:30am
| Demonstration
| LightShow Pro 2
| lithgowlights
| 11:00am
| Demonstration
| Vixen
| Matt.E (kool-lites)
| 11:30am
| Demonstration
| AVR & Prop Programming
| All
| 12:00pm
! colspan="2"| LUNCH
| Fasteddy
| 1:00pm
| Presentation
| Introduction to E1.31
| Fasteddy
| 1:30pm
| Presentation Demonstration
| Running LOR equipment in DMX
| 1:50pm
| How-to
| Audacity and trimming audio tracks
| 2:10pm
| Demonstration
| Cat 5 Terminating and Crimping
| Matt.E (kool-lites)
| 2:30pm
| Demonstration
| SMD Soldering
| All
| 3:00pm
| Prize Draw
| Lucky Door Prize Draw
| All
| 3:10pm
! colspan="2" | Afternoon Tea
| All
| 3:30pm
| Show Off
| Show and tell workshop
| 5:00pm
| Finish
2011 Minis
List of Mini Expos
Sydney Minis
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