2016 Mini Adelaide

Herein lies the details for the details for the 2016 Adelaide Mini.

Mini Christmas Expos 2016

Melbourne Mini 2016
May 14-15, 2016
Sydney Mini 2016
June 4-5, 2016
Brisbane Mini 2016
April 30-May 1, 2016
Adelaide Mini 2016
May 28-29, 2016
Perth Mini 2016
No plans for a mini...yet

Dates and Times

Dates: 28-29 May, 2016

Times: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Cost: $15 per person for the weekend

Where: 1 South Rd, Thebarton - parking available opposite the venue.

Forum discussion: https://auschristmaslighting.com/th...sunday-29th-may-confirm-your-attendance.8655/

Streaming: NO plans to stream this year, but we will be recording where practical. Recorded videos will be uploaded to the AusChristmasLighting YouTube account http://www.youtube.com/user/AusChristmasLighting/

Sponsors & Supporters


Refer to the mini's forum discussion topic. Registration is located at the top of the discussion topic. Use the comment field for notifying whether attending Sat/Sun/both days.

Day 1 Plan (Saturday)

SATURDAY - 28th May
8:30 - 9:00 amDOORS OPEN: Time For Setup!
9:30 amKarobWELCOME: Housekeeping
9:40 amALLMEET AND GREET: Introductions
10:00 amKarobCommon Display Elements...which one(s)? [Watch Video]
ALLDisplay Element discussion
10:30 amCoffee Break
10:45 amFing & mellowcoupleSinging Faces [Watch Video]
i135v versus 12v pixels ... the difference
ALLGeneral Chat
12:00 pmLUNCH
1:00 pmsmartalecSoldering with 'uncle alec' (Karob said it!)
i13Demonstration: Hacking store-bought lights
ALLGeneral Chat
2:15 pmALLGroup photo (if we haven't already done it)
Coffee Break
2:30 pmdarylcPanels (P10 etc) with daryl [Watch Video]
KitmanWireless Controller Box Temperature display [Watch Video]
ALLGeneral Chat
KarobDoor Prize Draw
4:00 pmALLGeneral Chat, Debrief and Class Dismissed

Day 1 Dinner (optional)

SATURDAY - 28th May
5:00 pm onwardsDinner and drinks at the Hilton Hotel (at your expense): 264 South Rd, Hilton. Hotel website

Day 2 Plan (Sunday)

SUNDAY - 29th May
9:00 amALLDOORS OPEN: Informal Chat and Setup
9:30 amKarobINTRO: The Mini continues!
9:40 amsmartalecSmartAlec Lights controller range
elninoESP8266 Wireless Pixel Controller [Watch Video]
darylcFalcon Controller
10:30 amCoffee Break
10:45 amadskiVixen 3: How to set up and sequence a Mega Tree [Watch Video]
ALLGeneral Chat
12:00 pmLUNCH
1:00 pmFingXLights: How to set up and sequence a Mega Tree [Watch Video]
ALLGeneral Chat
2:15 pmCoffee Break
2:30 pmALLTrade Table and Open Discussions
3:45 pmKAROBFarewells and goodbyes
4:00 pmALLThat's All Folks

* Subject to change

Potential Topics

Suggested topics from the discussion thread
  • Komby wireless
  • Virtual santa
  • Basics refresher (types of controllers, types of lights, which controller for which light)
  • Vixen 3 (continuing off from where last year's Mini got to)
  • Designing elements on a budget
  • SmartAlec Lights goodies (pi-pixel, enclosure temperature reading ... wirelessly)
  • Enclosures ... and capturing their temperature to display wirelessly (the follow up to what was proven last year ... that enclosures do get warm)
  • ESPixelStick / Arduino
  • P6 Panels (what are they ... how they are similar/different to P10 panels in more ways than just pixel density)

Required Software, Plugins and Files

To streamline presentations a shared presentation computer may be provided. Please list the software you require so that it can be installed.

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