Recent content by Steve22537

  1. Steve22537

    Perth/WA 2018 Perth Mini - June 16-17 [Cancelled]

    Can only attend on the Sunday as I will be the official photographer for my nieces wedding on the Saturday. Steve
  2. Steve22537

    Mega tree Question

    4M from the ground to the top of the star, 500mm from the ground to the ring then 2.6M to the topper.
  3. Steve22537

    Mega tree Question

    This ones 3M high by 2M wide, Boscoyo strip 2" spacing 36 strings of 50 pixels View:
  4. Steve22537

    Bulk Buy The Door Decor

  5. Steve22537

    Perth/WA 2018 Perth Mini - June 16-17 [Cancelled]

    Happy to bring along some ideas and plenty of support. Can show off some wire frame stuff, controller box, etc. Will happily mock anyone with stupid questions. My background is electronics and IT. See you there Steve
  6. Steve22537

    Power requirements for Pixel Tree

    The 1500w PS will take up less space, but multiple power supplies provide a bit of a safety net for redundancy. Cost is about the same. Steve
  7. Steve22537

    Power requirements for Pixel Tree

    Have you thought about using 5v, only 5 power supplies. Injection is going to be easy, inject at the top. 50ma x 5120pixels = 256amps 256amps x 5volts = 1280watts 6 x 300watt power supplies = 1800 watts 1800watts at 70% usage would be = 1260watts You could get away with 5 supplies. Steve
  8. Steve22537

    Perth/WA 2018 Perth Mini - Any interest ?

    Northern suburbs is fine Steve
  9. Steve22537

    Perth/WA 2018 Perth Mini - Any interest ?

    I'm good for Perth. Maybe the new stadium?
  10. Steve22537

    Power Injection Sanity Check

    You can simply cut the positive wire between the two power supplies at the 278th pixel, balance the load between the two power supplies. Check then check again, then get some one else to check.
  11. Steve22537

    megatree topper autocad

    Hi Tooms, Happy to help out, can let you have this one from last year for $50.00 plus postage from Perth. I used a NB50 pole mounts nice and neat made from 6mm steel so it wont bend.
  12. Steve22537

    Security cameras

    Probably just as legal as stealing or damaging my freaking lights.
  13. Steve22537

    Mega-Tree pole re-build question

    I used a piece of PVC waste pipe as a sleeve, then concreted it in place. My pole is a NB50 pipe about 3mm thick. 4M high with no guide wires. The base ring is high enough off the ground so I can get the lawn mower under the tree. Steve
  14. Steve22537

    Mega-Tree pole re-build question

    I'm in the middle of frantically rebuilding my tree from last year, this year I'll post some more details. I know a little late for this year but it may help those planning for next year.