2012 BigW 160 bulb LED Lights - How to bypass multi-function

Just the power supply that came wih the product. No controller at all. Just hard wire the leads from the bulbs straight into the lead which connects to transformer.
The supplied transformer is DC thou, so I would assume that I wouldn't need to use then?
In that case of this set, you could just bypass the controller and wire the string to the original power supply. There is no diode bridge in that controller.
David_AVD said:
OK, more details are required in that case. Pictures may reveal all. :)

Ah - seems I'm a bit late.....


Matchbox for size comparison.....

David_AVD said:
This is definitely something to be very wary of. Dimming them (or even switching on/off) with a typical Christmas light AC controller could result in fireworks and bad smells for both the plugpack and/or the controller.

I really wish I had recorded the tests I did years ago switching a few different types of plugpacks with on/off and dimming at various rates. It was a great smoke show, and a little worse on a few of them :)
lithgowlights said:
David_AVD said:
This is definitely something to be very wary of. Dimming them (or even switching on/off) with a typical Christmas light AC controller could result in fireworks and bad smells for both the plugpack and/or the controller.

I really wish I had recorded the tests I did years ago switching a few different types of plugpacks with on/off and dimming at various rates. It was a great smoke show, and a little worse on a few of them :)

Hmmmmm....now I'm worried - I have 16 channels of AC with the "old style"/large-white-plug BigW lights....

May have to change a few things....

Hi David, can you recall whether you might think this controller can be modded to have a memory ? They don't have any memory, so was looking at having a go at modifying one. I bought a few of these $10 lights for my static display, but don't have them on the 'combo' option all the time, or having to push the button on every controller each night.
Greetings from Brazil.

I am a newbie in this matter and very glad to have found this site and a discussion of what I was looking for.

I have some strings of Christmas blue leds with a MFC.
My problem now is some controllers were damaged by the rain, although I had tried to make them waterproof :'( so I would like to just bypass the controllers and light the leds directly, steady on.
They originally run on AC 127V but I have just learned from this thread that it would be much safer to have them run on low DC voltage.
The circuitry on the controller is exactly the one shown on example #2, here: http://auschristmaslighting.com/wiki/Bypassing_Multi_Function_Controllers#Example_2

Could anyone teach this newbie here how to solve that ? Appreciate any help.

Merry Christmas!
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