2022 Bunnings copper wire seed pixels


Annoying Elf
Dec 30, 2018
THESE ARE NOT PIXELS.... I bought some to test and they are driven as a 3ch H-Bridge.

I went for a trip to Bunnings today. In the recent years they have brought out more offerings of 'smart' lights.
From standard LED strings with a WiFi plug multi-function controller to these seemingly pixels.
The pixel pop-up tree is also back this year > https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/pixels-in-parallel-yet-still-addressable.13976/

I haven't seen anyone mention these so far.
A string of 100 copper wire seed lights.

They look to be 3 wires, with a 4th wire presumably being a sort of 'power injection' of negative to the end of the string. There is a BigCliveDotCom video about that.

The blobs of epoxy look to be more consistent than the seed pixels from BTF lighting > As seen here: https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/the-tiny-2811-seed-pixels-and-waterproofing.14234/

I'll be keen to buy a set once boxing day sales hit.

Given that the spiral tree lights turned out to be 400kHz rather than standard WS2811 800kHz, I'm guessing these would be the same.
Just a note for anyone who wants to try them.
Most pixel controllers can have the data frequency changed but it affects all pixels on that port.
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This I would not be buying even on sale
But for science... :).

On the other hand, there were some nice looking solar meteor tube lights there.
The 'usb for indoors' is something new.. There is a USB socket on the side of the solar panel.

Cheap arlec crap, so what do you expect. 6 years worth of use..... xD
Any arlec junk I've tried has died after the *FIRST* year.