60 channel dmx board

After Shell powered up she found a bug in the firmware which I will get sorted once I get back from holidays on the sunny Gold Coast. I knew I should have brought power supply, test board, Pickit etc, etc with me.

Half way there, hook up the other side and some power leads.
After much testing and hair pulling out I've now had my board running successfully under light-o-rama, lightshowpro, lights up and DA_DMX. They've all been testing using one of David_AVD's usb-dmx dongles. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have another brand open dmx dongle turn up and i can test with it. Ideally i'd like to test with a DR4 and a dmx pro dongle as well but I haven't got them handy and I'd also like to test with vixen but I'm not sure how to drive it. I don't expect that any the other dmx producing software or devices will cause me any problems now that i know where i was having a failure.
i now have a warm glow about me that is from 2 factors. The successful test with all the software I tried and the half bottle of Brown Brothers Lexia that I've consumed in the last 5 minutes.