It's so much better on the dark side
Well having order 3 seperate lots of pixels off Ray each with the same specifications Ive had enough 4 x 100 with 8 cm spacing 6 x 100 with 10 cm spacing and 8x100 of 12 cm spacing (apparently in the 2 week period between orders the factory all of a sudden stopped making the size of my seconds order)
There is no excuse for this as each order has been very clearly explained with the same specifications and diagrams.
This is NOT a Ray "bash" he has been good about it but I am sick of flushing $$$ down the toilet
There has to be a better option than this has anyone tried any other suppliers on Aliexpress other than Ray with better success ?
There is no excuse for this as each order has been very clearly explained with the same specifications and diagrams.
This is NOT a Ray "bash" he has been good about it but I am sick of flushing $$$ down the toilet
There has to be a better option than this has anyone tried any other suppliers on Aliexpress other than Ray with better success ?