CG-1500 Enclosure Alternatives


Grandpa Elf
Community project designer
Jun 12, 2010
Victoria Point (Brisbane)
Unfortunately the rumor that the CG-1500 enclosures being discontinued has been confirmed.

The smaller CG-1000 is still available, but they would be too small for most applications.

I'll be cancelling the CG-1500 back orders in the system and removing them from the da-Share store.

Sorry to those affected. I don't have an alternative at this point in time.
well that's a real bugger.... it was a real 'go to' box for us Christmas lights people.

Now to find a suitable replacement for our purposes.

Thanks for updating us with this bad news, at least it gives us time to suss out a replacement.
well that's a real bugger.... it was a real 'go to' box for us Christmas lights people.

Now to find a suitable replacement for our purposes.

Thanks for updating us with this bad news, at least it gives us time to suss out a replacement.
Same boat.

I realise it's not a necessity, and many get by with some basic boxes, but I'd like to find something similar. The Bud 32026 seems to be another popular option?
I'm thinking I might use something along the lines of this--
Pretty much the same dimensions, 8cm longer. Will need a bit more fiddling for mounting things in it, but a simple backing plate could be made without much hassle.
I have been looking at these

I like because I can mount them to my walls / fence … I like my boxes off the ground
The corrosion resistance of the metal hinges and latches was something I wondered about with some of the wall mount enclosures.
WOW ! I have a couple of gas meter boxes from my local salvage yard for $35. Not totally waterproof but i keep them under cover
I have been looking at these

I like because I can mount them to my walls / fence … I like my boxes off the ground

Have been using these in my display for a few years and they work well. Albeit the larger size as I fit more power supplies etc in them and like to have more free air in them for better cooling.
Got a bunnings solution here.......This thing is HDPE and seems water tight and bomb proof at $64.50

Got a bunnings solution here.......This thing is HDPE and seems water tight and bomb proof at $64.50

Good value. Potential stupid question, how do you anchor a base plate in this? Assume it doesn’t have threaded inserts like an electrical box but is there a section to insert a rivnut?
Not sure how these stack up
Seems the same as Alan's enclosure but his includes the mounting plate and is cheaper

Alternatively - NAW Controls