DC48 Controller (DMX - DC)

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David_AVD said:
Maybe a DC16 with higher current per channel could be made in the future.

Thats my thinking, just like a LOR 16 channel DC controller which allows higher amps per channel. Its the board that really limits the average current draw so by reducing the channel count down to 16 channels will allow higher current draw per channel.
A good option if its needed
David, in my opinion the loads you have provided for are more than adequate. If people have gear that is more power hungry than that, it should be split anyway
I'd be looking at driving short strips of RGB 5050 (Ray Wu stuff), probably between one or two meters. It comes on 5 meter spools, so I'll have to do some cutting.

David, I see the crystal on board. Are you turning the MOSFETs on/off at something like 400 Hz? I'd found on the DCx16s at 400Hz that the MOSFETs rarely got warm, and I was running some incandescents on them them.
Wow, much higher frequency than I expected - still well below the AM band, but has anyone ever noticed radio interference?
Good to hear. The reason I even mention it is a problem I had a few years back . The 400Hz DCx16 frequency used by D-Light is low enough that I got contact chatter on some automotive DC relays I was trying to control. I had to add a Cap/Resistor pair to smooth out the waveform - problem solved.

The LOR DC board has a 10khz crystal on it but I've never put a scope on its output (yet) so I don't know what the PWM frequency is.

I can bet that 97khz would NOT chatter any mechanical relay.
I've added the DC48 to the AVD web site. http://www.audiovisualdevices.com.au/viewprod.php?catid=&productid=DC48

The price on there is currently $199 including GST. I am hoping to get it down to approx $180 including GST.

Please order them online. Use the EFT payment option if you don't want to pay via credit card. No card will be charged until they are ready to ship and I've gotten back to you anyway.

I should have the first batch ready to ship late July. Postage within Australia should be around $15.
Anyone wanting to collect, still order online please and put in comments that you want to collect. Use EFT payment option. This is just the best way to track the orders and ensure I don't forget anyone.

Remember, even if you do key your CC details in, you will not be charged yet. I want to finalise the price - it will be no more than $199, but may be down to $180 or so.
David, I am living in Texas. While temp is so high right now, it is hard to think about Christmas Lights, it seems that Texas is not a listed shipping destination. :'(

Are there any other US orders outgoing? Share a shipping box with anyone???
I just looked on the calendar and it says that it's mid July. Any update David? Price and delivery.
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