Downloading MP3 from Amazon music

in Xlights, when you go to File -> Sequence Settings, you'll see after the media item, a Hash. I'm assuming xlights will come up with some sort of issue when you render the sequence.
no doubt the file hashes will be different, I ignore the file hash and go with song length first, then if the effects line up with the music when played back second.
in Xlights, when you go to File -> Sequence Settings, you'll see after the media item, a Hash. I'm assuming xlights will come up with some sort of issue when you render the sequence.
If your differently sourced version of the song is truly identical, just give it a unique file name and tell xLights to use that instead.You can tell xLights to use a different MP3 after the sequence is created.
I never has an issue with #ash on xLights. I did upload the .mp3 to the sequence as I download form the music vendor, Other here runs the music true Audacity and other music editing software that I no have an idea how to use. Never hear an issue related to this, no overcomplicate...
So the hash is just being used as a way to identify that the audio file used is (likely) the same as the one it was originally sequenced with?
I've used different songs from the original sequence before and just had to move the sequence forward or backward a little bit to get the beats right. Only a second or two and the average Joe watching wouldn't pick it up
So the hash is just being used as a way to identify that the audio file used is (likely) the same as the one it was originally sequenced with?
No going deep on it, #ash is an algorithm that triggers the algorithms like in YT for copyright strike when in music. they are like a digital signature but for data, serves as file path tracing. Another tracing tool...