Closed Falcon F16v3 & F48 E1.31 pixel controller 2020 buy

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Bulk buy close date
Mar 22, 2020


404 darylc not found
Dec 8, 2012
This thread is for purchasing a selection of Falcon Pixel Controllers and accessories.

As in previous years I am working directly with David Pitts at Falcon Christmas ( to import some of his boards directly from his manufacturer and distribute them locally.

Please carefully read first few posts before asking questions or placing an order.

These buys have become very large and the time required to run them is enormous, these rules may seem harsh but it is the only way I can continue to run them.

1. All questions/orders/concerns should be posted in this thread so that my replies can be seen by all.
2. Do not email me or pm me with questions, you will be pointed back here.
3. I do not know what parts you will need for your show, I cannot assist in designing your show.
4. I am simply offering an opportunity to purchase Falcon controllers if you have worked out what you want to buy.
5. Board specifications are subject to change without notice
6. Only people located in Australia or New Zealand are eligible to take part in this buy.
7. Total quantities under this buy may be restricted if required.
8. All orders must be placed in this thread.
9. Payment is via Paypal in US$ only.
10. This buy will close by 22nd March 2020. Orders not paid for by this date will be cancelled.
11. Delivery of boards is estimated to be mid May to mid June 2020.
12. There will be no refunds after you have paid for your order.
13. This year there is some risk around the Coronavirus and the current Chinese factory shut downs etc. If this makes it impractical for the boards to be delivered then I would look at cancelling the bulk buy and issuing refunds. Please note that due to the way Paypal works with refunds, if the AU-US exchange rate changes between the time you pay and the time any refund is issued, you may end up with more or less $AU than you paid, despite me refunding the full amount.
14. If you are unwilling to accept the various buy conditions then do not place an order. Posting an order in this thread is considered your acceptance for these terms.

If you have concerns about participating or sending money to me for such a buy, I would recommend talking to others who have participated in previous buys about their experiences.

Please confirm order quantities for:

Falcon F16v3 Pixel Controller
US$200.00 + shipping

Falcon F48 Pixel Controller (requires differential receiver boards)
US$200.00 + shipping

Falcon F16v2/F16v3 Expansion Board with ribbon cable
US$50.00 + shipping

Falcon F16v2/F16v3 Differential Expansion Board w/ribbon cable
US$40.00 + shipping

Falcon F16v2/F16v3 Falcon 4-String Differential SmartReceiver Board
US$20.00 + shipping

Other Falcon boards including F4v3, F8-distro, F-amp, mounting plates and Ready to Run controllers are not available.

Shipping costs will be:
Australia: US$10 per order
New Zealand US$20 per order
Pickup: Not generally available, see FAQ.

Please reply to this thread with numbers and I will contact you with my Paypal details for payment.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I get the other Falcon boards eg F4v3 or F8-Distro:
A: Only boards listed in the first post are available.

Q: Can you issue me an invoice?
A: No, this is a community based group buy not a business so I cannot issue invoices.

Q: Will boards be available after the group buy?
A: Usually a few but not guaranteed and often not all types. If you need Falcon boards in 2020 you should join this buy now.

Q: Will there be another group buy in 2020?
A: I don't plan on running another buy until 2021.

Q: Will you ship to <insert country here>
A: No, this buy is only open to AusChristmasLighting members residing in Australia or New Zealand

Q: Can I pay in Australian dollars directly to your bank account?
A: All orders are to be paid for in US$ via Paypal.

Q: Can I pick up my order from you since I live in Adelaide?
A: Yes - you still need to pay for shipping but I will refund it if you pick it up your order within 2 weeks of it being ready.

Q: Can I email/PM you my order?
A: Orders are only being taken via this thread. You must post your order in this thread.

Q: Why can't you do xyz differently for me?
A: Due to the large number of orders expected, every order must be done the same way. The buy takes a very large amount of my time as it is.

Q: How much are they in Australian Dollars?
A: Paypal should tell you when you try to transfer the US$. If you want a rough indication you can check a currency conversion website such as
Can I please order the following;

1 x Falcon F48 Pixel Controller

12 x Falcon F16v2/F16v3 Falcon 4-String Differential SmartReceiver Boards

Thank you
Hi Daryl,

Please put me down for the below.

1x Falcon F16v3 Controller

1x Expansion Board with Ribbon Cable (16 port expansion)
10x 4 port Smart receivers

Thanks again for the Bulk Buy :thumbsup:

Jack | Derf
Please order for me 5 x
Falcon F16v2/F16v3 Falcon 4-String Differential SmartReceiver Board
US$20.00 + shipping
I can transfer funds when requested.
Hi Daryl
Can I please order:

1 x Falcon F16v3 Pixel Controller; and
1 x Falcon F16v2/F16v3 Expansion Board with ribbon cable

Thanks for making it easier on first time newbie.
Hey Daryl

Can I please order
1x Falcon F16V3
2x 16 port expansion boards with ribbon cables

Thanks for organising again this year

Ben F
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