Hacking icicles

but back to the original problem that you posted about ;)

you need to crack open the controller box :D
Thanks coz

From what I gather I need to pry open the small 8-func controller box, then solder together the 8 points as per the wiki here: http://auschristmaslighting.com/wiki/Bypassing_Multi_Function_Controllers Mine is the 2nd one by the looks.

That will then force the lights to be static.


I then cut the +v transparent wire and solder in the fuse holder then heatshrink. Not sure which is +ve wire.

That all sound about right?
OK, what you need to do it cut the wires going into the multifunction controller. Then cut the mains plug off. Then throw it all in the bin!

Sorry Shell, I couldn't resist. :D
lol, I could also cut each of the 980 led's off if that makes it even safer? Will take some time but will be well worth it for the final result eh ;)