HELP! I can't get Xlights to talk to my PixLite Controller:-(

You can have a max 512 channels per universe (but it's really 510 channels = 170 pixels). So in your spreadsheet each of those elements would be on it's own universe, so 11 universes all up with each having a start channel 1 and end channel either 210, 300 or 315 depending on the element. The running end channel count for each element will match your spreadsheet (column title channel count).

I've never used null pixels so not sure how they are covered.
Null pixels work just like any other pixel. Two strips separated by a null pixel would be addressed thus:-
50 pixel led strip = channels 1 - 150
null pixel = channels 151 - 153
50 pixel led strip = channels 154 - 303

The null pixel isn't assigned to any element, and thus never lights up. It is only there to relay the signal between one strip and the next.
Hi all, I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and I think I have a lot better idea of what I'm doing now. However, I'm now having a new issue with my controller, which seems to have locked-up. Now as soon as I power up my Controller, some of the lights come on immediately and then only in white. Nothing I do seems to change this. Hopefully the controller's Help Desk will be able to sort this new issue out. I must hand it to the Advatek Help-Desk, they're very patient and hopefully they will assist me to correct this new issue.
However, my Christmas lights are still looking very dark. :-(
Having the wrong pixel type could cause it it do this. WS2811 is the most commonly available type so this is probably what you should have it configured to. Connecting the pixel "data" line to the Pixlite's "clock" line output may also do it.
Having the wrong pixel type could cause it do this. WS2811 is the most commonly available type so this is probably what you should have it configured to. Connecting the pixel "data" line to the Pixlite's "clock" line output may also do it.

We're now thinking the output buffer chip may have been damaged (It is the 74HCT245N part in the DIP socket.). Do you know if I can pick up one of these chips in Brisbane anywhere? Otherwise if I need to get one online, I can kiss by Christmas lights goodbye for this year. :-(
If you're not using all of the outputs you may be able to swap out 1 from the unused channels
The one I see on the Jaycar site is a 74HC245N, not a 74HCT245N.

I just checked our system and in theory I have one at AVD. I'd have to check the drawers though.
The one I see on the Jaycar site is a 74HC245N, not a 74HCT245N.

I just checked our system and in theory I have one at AVD. I'd have to check the drawers though.

If you have one, that would be great!!! Where are you and how could I go about picking it up and paying for it?
I just checked (lucky you quoted me so I saw the alert) and I do have one.

AVD is in Capalaba; Unit 8, 10 Hook Street.
David, thanks so much for that. All going well, I should be able to drop over on Friday and grab it, if that's OK with you.
I'm still having some setup issues. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
The end Channels don't seem to be where I thought they should be (e.g. Output-1, 400 Pixels x 3 Channels should make the end channel 1200, not 180). But this value seems to be added automatically by the software. Should I also be showing the start channel as "1" for each output, or just keep adding on?

I'm also having some issues with my Power injection. I have a separate 12v Power Supply (which I have isolated by removing the fuse in the Controller). I then fitted a 15A fuse before connecting the 4 Outlets to keep things safe. However, after blowing several Fuses I calculated the AMPS and it looks like Amperage draw is more like 31A (not 15A). Is a fuse required for Power Injection? If so, I suppose I should then add a e.g. 15A Fuse to each output.
Any thoughts?
Each universe would have 510 channels (512 - 2 unused).
Output1, Universe 1 510
Output1, Universe2 510 = subtotal 1020
Output1, Universe3 180 = subtotal 1200
I would expect Output 2 to start at Universe 5, to allow all 4 possible universes on output 1 to be used. In any case Output 2 should not start at universe 3, as universe 3 is already defined on output 1. ( I suppose it COULD start at universe 3, channel 181)
Similarly, you appear to have Output 3 conflicting with Output 2, and Output 4 conflicting with Output3
Your DMX universe is also set to conflict. I would set it to 17, or at least higher than your E1.31 universes.

A wiring diagram might help diagnose your power injection issues.

Page 51 of the 101 manual gives a pretty good idea of how power injection works with multiple power supplies. Personally, I rarely power my pixels through the controller card. I power inject right from the first strip, and the the injection circuits are fused.
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