HELP! What do I need for a mega tree?

So the Ringwood Costco had some of the twinkly lights on sale a week ago. $69 for 600 pixels at about 8cm spacing. If you can find them still in stock at that price - you could grab 6 packs for $414. Do each strand an up-and-back - and you’d have 36 strands of 100 pixels for just under 4m. Then you’d need to work out a pole/topper/base.

twinkly stuff comes with controller and power supply and has an app for doing neat effects.
Would they work with x lights? And do you have a photo or item number of them? I’m trying to find them
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Would they work with x lights? And do you have a photo or item number of them? I’m trying to find them
They can work with xLights but it does take some setting up. A quick google found this document (no idea if it works or not)

Costco has its own brand of Twinkly lights called Lumations, very similar stuff to Twinkly.

The equivalent Twinkly branded stuff is

If xLights is your end goal. Start playing around with xLights and design the mega tree you want and start playing with effects. Then you will know if the number of lights/pixels will give the results you are after. Then find the product that suits.
Thanks so much for your help.

Last question, if my tree is ~3.75m tall and ~1.9m wide at the bottom, how big should my star be?
Where should I get one from?
which lights do i need to put in them? where do I get them?
If you are looking to stick with Twinkly/Luminations then Christmas Props Australia sells some Twinkly compatible props such as this star that would work. It is 570mm wide so should match the size of the mega tree you are planning to construct nicely.

Note, most of Christmas Props Australia's website are not compatible with Twinkly lights.

Most people looking to explore fully controllable lighting use 12mm pixels such as these linked below. If you go down this path there are a lot of extra things you need and the costs/time/DIY aspects go up considerably.
Do you have any specific lights you think I should get and where could I get them? Where can I buy this Raspberry Pi?
Look at for hardware and they sell pixels that are very low power consumption and bright. just 8ma per node. i set up a 6400 pixel tree this year with 4 LOR Pixie 16. Basic patterns are all in xLights