I have an issue with LED panels in a Christmas light show


Apprentice elf
Nov 22, 2016
Lets start off controversial: I don't believe LED panels have any place in a Christmas light show.

I know this will put some people offside..

Being able to display a movie on a house as part of the Christmas light display is not what the hobby is about, in my opinion (this includes singing faces on a mega tree).

It's almost getting to the point where someone will (hopefully taking the HoHoHo) purchase a few TV's and strap them to their wall/roof, and claim they now have over 4 million lights!

I want to see house lines accentuated using pixels/RGB strips/fairly lights. I want to see interesting ways of building up the use of lights to make an animation, with a controller that turns on each frame at appropriate intervals (think the original single faces, THEY were amazing). I want to see actual trees decorated to look like a Christmas tree (tree availability permitting). And I don't want to see Santa projected onto a window in the house, that's the single worst prop that anyone has ever started selling.

Time to contradict myself: The only place I see for panels is displaying text, "Tune To" signs etc.

Does anyone else have issues with seeing these in shows? For people who do use them, is there ever the feeling of taking a shortcut by using them?


404 darylc not found
Dec 8, 2012
I don't worry about what other people do, on my house I do what I like. Each to their own.

If you want to talk panels specifically, the reason why I added them (and I've run them for 5-6 years now) was to enable me to display text so I could communicate with the audience. Occasionally I do display a picture or a short video clip as part of a sequence but more often than not if they are not displaying text they are blank.


Grandpa Elf
Community project designer
Generous elf
Jun 12, 2010
Victoria Point (Brisbane)
I'm generally not a fan of LED panels in Christmas displays, but I have seen a couple of displays where they were used as a way to show different "decorations" and that did look cool. Of course everyone has their own likes and dislikes and I'm good with that too. :)


Dedicated elf
May 2, 2010
As Daryl said i do not worry about what others think i use them for what i like to do in my display.

once you get to a big Display they come in handy for informing people of the time of your show and to think of the people around you.

i can tell you have not used panels as they are not a shortcut and not something you just order off the shelf and then boom they work.

At the end of the Day I don't see the point in the thread.

You do what you want with your display. it is like me saying my display is better then yours display if that is the reason for why your doing it so be it. I do if for the kids and for a fun challenge for me. i have been doing Synchronise lights for over 10 years and like to do things other have not done for the personal challenge.

To some people old static lights are christmas and what we do are not. In the end does it really matter???

i have helped over 15 people this week alone setting up panels So join the club lol or not. Just Enjoy what you do!!!


Dedicated elf
May 2, 2010
Also on another note.

We had a Deaf person at our display last year and his mother said thank you to us as the tree and the Matrix panels told the story of the song and he could follow along.

So i will always have a Matrix and a Mega tree now for that reason. that is what i tell the wife lol

Aaaron Loveday

New elf
Dec 22, 2017
If we are comparing typical pixel displays vs adding in morden technologies like pannels, we should also discuss the advances of i.e mobile phones, cinematic advances of projection rooms from 35mm to digital then to laser projectors, it's really not relevant! Every individual transitions when they see fit, when the time is right for them. Enjoy your display and that's all the matters :)


Senior elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Lets start off controversial: I don't believe LED panels have any place in a Christmas light show.
. . .
Does anyone else have issues with seeing these (LED panels) in shows?

Let me rephrase your statement to:
'I don't believe LED panels have any place in my Christmas light show'​

And my reply to this is: probably yes. I don't think that LED panels 'fit' with the rest of my Christmas display (at the time of posting - who knows in the future?). In saying that, I do have an LED panel tune to sign which sits out near the street. This sign runs standalone with a HC-1 controller so I don't really consider it to be part of the sequenced show.

When it comes to someone else's show, it is up to them. If you think about it, Christmas lighting is an artistic, creative hobby. If you want your fence line to be lit up with blue lights, you can do that. LED panels might suit one person's creative style but clash with someone else's. One person may desire to build a fully Christmas-themed light show, while another might prefer to do a fancy light show at Christmas time without an obvious festive theme. This could factor into the kinds of elements and materials that someone uses to craft their light display. If everyone had the same elements arranged in an identical layout, it'd be boring, right?

If I can broaden your statement to cover matrices generally: Until a few years ago there was no matrix in my show. I just couldn't imagine a typical matrix fitting in with the rest of my Christmas display. But what exactly is a matrix and who said it had to be a 2D square or rectangle array of LEDs? A pixel mega tree could also act as a matrix, right? Except my mega tree is made with shop-bought LED strings (and getting on 10-12 years old!). So where is this matrix then?


For people who do use them, is there ever the feeling of taking a shortcut by using them?

I guess LED panels can be an easy (easier?) option compared to some other approaches, sure. Whether they are a 'shortcut', I think, depends on how much thought has gone into creatively integrating LED panels (or a matrix generally) into their existing show, if applicable. And nobody except the individual(s) behind a particular display will know the true answer.

Perhaps you are facing the same conundrum with LED panels as I was with a matrix - how do I work one into my show without it looking out of place?

At the end of the day, all that matters is that you enjoy your light display that you invest the time and effort into putting up. @Fing's 'Show Design' presentation from a 2017 Mini I feel could have some relevance to this discussion:


Full time elf
Jun 9, 2010
Ferntree Gully, VIC
I get where you’re coming from. I’m sure there’s people that don’t like straying from ‘traditional’ Christmas music in their sequences too.

And the same for pixels vs old school static lights.

The world moves pretty fast these days, and I think we’ll see more of them. It’s a decision to keep up with what’s new or leave it how it is.

Each to their own. I’m glad we have variety. It would be pretty boring if they were all the same.


Apprentice elf
Nov 22, 2016
fortunately we have to respect you before we give a toss about your opinions of others displays.


Thanks to the people who took this as an opinion, and countered with some actual discussion, rather than just choosing to insult.

Is that a Superman symbol at the front door in Xmas lights?

It is a Superman light! Looks good doesn't it. Took a while to make too, had to cut out the plywood, then drill many holes, and feed lights into each hole, gluing them in place.

Also on another note.
We had a Deaf person at our display last year and his mother said thank you to us as the tree and the Matrix panels told the story of the song and he could follow along.
So i will always have a Matrix and a Mega tree now for that reason. that is what i tell the wife lol

You may have single-handedly just changed my opinion on the singing face on a mega tree

I don't worry about what other people do, on my house I do what I like. Each to their own.

If you want to talk panels specifically, the reason why I added them (and I've run them for 5-6 years now) was to enable me to display text so I could communicate with the audience. Occasionally I do display a picture or a short video clip as part of a sequence but more often than not if they are not displaying text they are blank.

Daryl! Such a good response, that I actually "Liked", then I noticed your name liking Keiths comment, that's disappointing.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYIJULi1eLo&feature=emb_logo
Well no comment from me im staying static on this one

Thanks for bringing this up! What isn't evident in this video is that the roof line, blossom trees, front garden and icicles on the side fence are all in sync, at least until someone comes along and changes the animation using their mobile phone :). I haven't been able to find anyone else doing something similar, which makes it a world first :)! This year the entire house will be synced up, and completely interactive. The looks on kids faces when they realize they're in control is priceless!

Finally, as I've mentioned most people, I don't want to leave anyone out, thanks to Aaron (I don't seem to be able to tag you?), @David_AVD, @ryanschristmaslights and @daunce for your mature responses. I certainly understand where you're coming from.

I'm definitely the type of person who prefers the "classic" (albeit LED) fairy light look, and yes, I also prefer classic Christmas music to modern songs :laugh:, but I understand the need for doing modern songs
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My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
Variety is the spice of life as they say. If everyone had just off the shelf Kmart/Bunnings etc lights it would be a bit boring.
Not everyone likes or has a green Christmas tree inside their homes either, I don't like white trees as in Australia we don't have snow. Same goes for snowflake lights/designs, but I like what other people have done with them to include in their displays.
At first when I wanted to do controlled lights (had been doing static for 10 years) I wanted to just chop up my existing sets and use DC controllers for the chase designs. I thought pixels weren't traditional enough. But then I saw what amazing effects could be achieved and jumped ship - I've been full pixel display for 3, soon to be 4 years now and would never move back.
I still use the old LED sets inside and for work office decorating, but I'm also using pixels at work too (cos I can :) )
We all have our own tastes and believes in what good looks like. This hobby is exactly that: a hobby, and an artistic one at that. Which means there are no real rules on design, look and feel of the display (only around how it all actually technically works.)
And yes, I do think panels have their place in my display, for text but also images on my 5x5 P10 matrix. I've yet to hear any of my visitors say "eww that looks crap", it's usually "wow, ooh and that's amazing." That's the response I'm going for so if it ain't broke, I'm not going to fix it :) #my2cents


Im a SmartAlec what can i say!
Community project designer
May 4, 2010
Murray Bridge, S.A.
I love my panels, and the crowd loves to see what graphic i might display on them next..
But while i love the moden age with panels and pixels.

I still love the glow of a incan light, and displays with moving animations (traditional displays)