Quick Falcon 16v3 Question: 510 or 512 channels per universe?


New elf
Dec 21, 2014
Hi, Just going through Xlights Setup for my F16v3 (Thanks Daryl for sending it so quickly!), So I've watched a number of Videos for setting up the Falcon, and they seem to vary from Number of Channels per Universe from 510 to 512. So I'm wondering which one should I use? I've set up 32 Universe over the 16 Outputs, I'm assuming the Falcon can't go over 16384 for 512 or 16320 for 510 Channels.
A universe is 512 channels. The usable amount of channels when using pixels is typically 510 which is 3 x170. 170 pixels times the 3 colours. Some pixel controllers will allow you to use the full 512 channels and span across 2 universes with a pixel. The red and green at the end of 1 universe and blue as the 1st channel of the next 1. For simplicity it is generally 510 channels per universe that get used for anything RGB.
Yeah What Al said.
I always used to confuse myself, and sometimes still do.
So best practice is set your universes to 510 channels and make sure you match that in your setup in what ever sequencing program you use.