Ray's 10w and 30w DMX Flood Lights, and programming using DMX Writer "AT3031"

Kane said:
Which connectors? None of the 14 I got had any connectors. (next time, I'd probably ask for them though!)

I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that he was talking about the little white connector that plugs into the back end of the programmer.
jediknight2 said:
I was David...not there
Aha, I see.

I'm pretty sure I had a spare connector with mine, but just went and looked, and it seems as though I've lost it, otherwise I could have sent it over to you

I had a total of 4 connectors - two cables with a connector on each end - and am only using one, so would have had 3 spares
Also...the OP sais to connect the ground wire...from what I have seen...nobody uses the ground wire that is with the DMX+ and DMX- wires...they just use the DMX signal...is that not correct
jediknight2 said:
Also...the OP sais to connect the ground wire...from what I have seen...nobody uses the ground wire that is with the DMX+ and DMX- wires...they just use the DMX signal...is that not correct

Some people don't use the GND wire and have no issues. Just don't ask whats wrong when you don't use it and have issues. :) we have seen enough of that over the past week.
i am using a holiday coro usb dmx dongl for my two rgb floods.since it uses pins one and two for data...anyone know what pin is ground on that dongle...
jediknight2 said:
i am using a holiday coro usb dmx dongl for my two rgb floods.since it uses pins one and two for data...anyone know what pin is ground on that dongle...
I'm not familiar with the dongle, nor have I seen one. but if it has a RJ45 output and it has a ground connected in it, it should be on pin 7
jediknight2 said:
i am using a holiday coro usb dmx dongl for my two rgb floods.since it uses pins one and two for data...anyone know what pin is ground on that dongle...

I would expect that this info should be on the holiday coro website. David Moore has always been great with documentation
Well..the answer I got back from David was....the programer/dmx dongle wasn't meant to be used for pushing DMX....bought an Enttec and now I can run 170 Ray Wu floods!