Seed Pixel Matrix using Bunnings Sheet

After trying something else that didn't work too my liking this evening, my next approach will be printing a heap of the supports and putting a magnet on each.

Kent - You know when you send me photos like this im gunna want a copy
Because I was putting it up against the garage door it caused a lot of light blooming as the pixels were at times more facing the door then than the street, and I wasnt happy with the effect. I could still make out the image, but it wasnt as uniform as I would have been happy with
Side matrix is 4 wire drop seeds with return wire, not zip tied. You can see the dimming when the strings turn. The garage door and roof are zip tied every 10th pixel or so. Some work to do to clean up the lines, but happier with that luminescence
Now I am wondering if you could 3d print a small clip to slide into the channel to keep the seed facing the right way, maybe put a clip in every so many pixels to just sort of keep them pointed correct.
Did you ever experiment with this idea?
I'm about to slide pixels into 1/2 a sheet but they want to face down.
After trying something else that didn't work too my liking this evening, my next approach will be printing a heap of the supports and putting a magnet on each.

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Hi Kent,

I am new to AusChristmas but been lurking around here for a few years and running a show since about 2018. I have been thinking about adding some matrices to my show next year consisting of a couple vertical column matrices on each side of the garage door and a matrix on the door. I came across your work here and it occurs to me that some ideas I had for experimenting with seeds using a PCB as a header are very similar. The use of the 4p4c connectors is quite interesting and something that had not occurred to me. I purchased some 4 wire seeds from Ray Wu to evaluate for this purpose and would like to ask how difficult it is to get the wire into the connectors? I have some 8p8c (ethernet connectors) and noticed with pitch of the wire is not quite the same. Do you have a public repo for the pcb designs I could have a look at?

Have you any further information regarding how this worked out for you this year?