Smoke and Bubbles

Get one of these and put a small smoke machine behind it best option for heaps of bubbles
I have one of these Chauvet Bubble King units.
It is a great machine, tones of bubbles. Always a hit for my church's Christmas in the park.
But there is better for the price.
At least your DJ City one is $270. Here in NZ, MDR lighting sells it for $400 ($380AUD).

I highly suggest a bubble machine that is plastic if you can. Metal machines like this rust.
(Don't worry, I got mine used for $20.)
My understanding is you have a smoke machine which feeds into a chiller and then feeds this cold smoke into a bubble machine making smoke filled bubbles and low laying smoke
I used the smaller one this year... I did manage to kill the wand, instead of getting it replaced on warranty I opened it up, and discovered that the small gear box had seized up due to some rust, pulled it all apart sanded the rust away and sprayed wd40, worked great after that.

The bubbles where a massive hit with not only the kids but with a lot of adults

They aren't the best pics but here's 2 of them that show the bubbles.


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I have found that the biggest failure point on these is the bubble wond stops working and seizes up. I have found this is due to moisture getting into the gear box and rusting the two metal pegs that hold the plastic gears in place. This year I opened it up, cleaned it out, cleared out the rust and put it all back together with a generous amount of plastic safe water resistant lubricant. So far so good!

So if I ever get another one I'll be putting in a heap of lube into the gear box to keep everything working well and as free from moisture as I can.
@Kingfisher That sounds like a plan..... for the amount of water that goes through the machine, it's a bad design not to reduce the risk of rust stopping the whole machine.

I'll rip mine apart in the new year and do that myself.
Bit of a late reply for the mixture stuff lol. But better now than never.

From looking at my ebay history everything has gone up over the last year (Who would of guessed).

I grabbed glycerin of ebay heres a couple of links:

and here's where I bought my distilled water from:

I have a couple extra I don't mind parting way with if anyone wants to pick one up $55 for a 20L smoke.
In Narellan NSW
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Bit of a late reply for the mixture stuff lol. But better now than never.

From looking at my ebay history everything has gone up over the last year (Who would of guessed).

I grabbed glycerin of ebay heres a couple of links:

and here's where I bought my distilled water from:
Thanks for the links. I've been able to track down the distilled water easily enough, in fact the same one from your links.

I'll grab some glycerin from that first link.

Yep, everything has gone up this year.
You get an extra rotating bubble wand with the more expensive one. I killed one (wand stopped turning) during the first season but warranty fixed it. I know another member had an issue with the power supply but you get the Australian warranty with it. Big massive hit for kids and if you buy their scents to add to the mixture (you don't need much) it gives the atmosphere another depth.

Here is picture from the 2000w unit. I have another one going in this years display

did you have this running via dmx? or just doing its own thing? thinking about adding the same machine...

wow this is an old post but still curious
did you have this running via dmx? or just doing its own thing? thinking about adding the same machine...

wow this is an old post but still curious
I run mine manually depending how many people are in the street and turn it off if there are few cars coming up the street. I normally run 2 of them at 20% fog rate which makes the lights very soft as the fog scatters the light. But most times due to the frequency of filling fog juice and refilling bubbles I just use the remote that comes with it or program it to 10 seconds on 10 seconds off.
did you have this running via dmx? or just doing its own thing? thinking about adding the same machine...

wow this is an old post but still curious
I had the one big one which died, so replaced it with 2 of the smaller units.
Vary use each year, have had one on the balcony and one on the ground, one year had both on the ground but far apart. Handy when the wind kept changing direction.