Snow Machine??

I have a couple of those machines from DJ city. every time i get one it's different. just be sure you can control it the way you want too. I grabbed one last week and it actually had a timer and duration setting on it for setting it off automatically through the night. Very popular here. I go thru 10-15 liters most nights

well those look like you can control them with DMX that's why I was looking at them
snow machines are a big hit with the kids. i have mine hacked so i can remote control it to keep the kids under control lol
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Ben ,do these things really draw the wattage they are rated at? also are they as noisy as everyone says?

I saw the rated wattage and was immediately turned away. Its like having a kettle running. I would be to scared to trip the one external circuit I have out the front which runs everything.

-- Whilst Sequencing -- Oh yea this is going to be great. A Nice set of beats are going to play here for a long time que DMX Snow maker
** Awesome set of beats play**
Snow comes from machine and starts to fill grass / driveway
** 30 Seconds later** ** Whole house plunges into darkness**


First they invented Under floor heating, Superman invented in wall heating.

Off Topic:
On another note. I got solar installed 6.5kw system and it blew the inverter the second day. 4 Aircons running and now we have to face the full force power bill because the account rep went on holidays until the 10th of Jan.

Now, If you had a snow machine you could be outside entertaining the people and you wouldn't need air-cond on
those ones I linked to are not dmx controllable , the plugs in the back are so you can master slave them apparently
Off Topic:
On another note. I got solar installed 6.5kw system and it blew the inverter the second day. 4 Aircons running and now we have to face the full force power bill because the account rep went on holidays until the 10th of Jan.

by my understanding of Australian Consumer Law, you are may be entitled to compensation for consequential loss. ie 6.5kw x sunlight hours a day x days not generating x feed out tarrif.
These things chew through fluid too. I saw a display last night that had 2 running non stop. Both had ladders next to them so the guy could fill up the containers they were using (on board container simply wouldn't be big enough)
If you get one with dmx or a remote, you can trigger them off and on, this saving a bit of fluid over the month as well as general wear and tear
most of the new ones from DJCity seem to also have a duration and interval timer that you set for say 2 mins on then off for 5 mins
they do chew thru the fluid i'm up to 240 litres this chrismtas season