Tune-to controller for P10 panel

BundyRoy said:
David it's saying the last 2 videos are restricted.

Hmmm... they are all set to public. I've just re-saved that setting in the video manager. They work for me so not sure what else could be wrong.
I'll have to get a run of bare boards made. To keep costs down I'll do that as part of a mixed panel in the next month or so.

People will need to get the P10 panels, make an enclosure, etc anyway so the time shouldn't be an issue.
Looks great. I could see some other uses for this as well, especially if it is cheaper than a Pi v2 or v3 plus adapter.

One question about something that you may have already fixed or noted. Given the font size, can you move the text down one row of pixels so that it is centered vertically?
bbayjohn said:
David is there a way of doing a countdown to Christmas on the p10

I think FPP can do that? My board and firmware is not suitable for it.

CaptainMurdoch said:
Given the font size, can you move the text down one row of pixels so that it is centered vertically?

Yeah, that's on my to-do list. :)
Yeah, FPP can do the countdown using a script which takes advantage of the Pixel Overlay functionality. There is a sample script in the script repository.

FPP v1.7 and below can probably drive a single panel better with a Pi zero or older single-core model. FPP v1.8 and up use a newer library to drive the P10 panels and the new library code uses a new pinout and really requires a quad-core Pi v2 or v3 to drive the panels without flicker. The new code refreshes the display a lot better than the old code but needs the extra core. FPP v1.8 and up are compatible with the Pi matrix boards that Alan and Ron have made. The older library code used by FPP v1.7 and prior needs a different pinout which is available online.
CaptainMurdoch said:
Yeah, FPP can do the countdown using a script which takes advantage of the Pixel Overlay functionality. There is a sample script in the script repository.

FPP v1.7 and below can probably drive a single panel better with a Pi zero or older single-core model. FPP v1.8 and up use a newer library to drive the P10 panels and the new library code uses a new pinout and really requires a quad-core Pi v2 or v3 to drive the panels without flicker. The new code refreshes the display a lot better than the old code but needs the extra core. FPP v1.8 and up are compatible with the Pi matrix boards that Alan and Ron have made. The older library code used by FPP v1.7 and prior needs a different pinout which is available online.

That's great news. I had a wooden Santa cut out that was a countdown to Christmas. It used to raise a few comments with how little time people had left until Christmas. Would nice to have that running again.
David_AVD said:
I showed the tune-to sign at the QLD mini and everyone seemed to like it. :)

It's looking like the cost will be $27.50 for the (fully built & programmed) board and an extra $2.00 for a ribbon cable to suit 2 panels.

If you're only driving one panel you can use the ribbon that comes with it. The panels usually come with the 5V power wiring.

So, if you definitely want a board, let me know so I can work out how many bare boards to order.

Aaaaaand the shipping to the states? Depending on the shipping I am down for one with the extra ribbon for a dual panel.
Wolfie said:
Aaaaaand the shipping to the states? Depending on the shipping I am down for one with the extra ribbon for a dual panel.

I just checked and the cheapest post to the USA seems to be about AUD $16 !
David_AVD said:
Wolfie said:
Aaaaaand the shipping to the states? Depending on the shipping I am down for one with the extra ribbon for a dual panel.

I just checked and the cheapest post to the USA seems to be about AUD $16 !
Thats completely reasonable. I am down for one with the extra ribbon. Shoot me a PM when you are ready to rock. I assume a PayPal transfer?