Wanted - new project ideas!

I'd like to see a decent DIY light meter gadget. I've seen some projects for one here and there but would like to see one with some spectrum analysis maybe (at least cover the entire visible spectrum). This would allow you to have quantitive values for measuring LEDs instead of the typical subjective references like "well - it looks a little brighter...".
budude said:
I'd like to see a decent DIY light meter gadget. I've seen some projects for one here and there but would like to see one with some spectrum analysis maybe (at least cover the entire visible spectrum).

I have seen RGB sensor chips that weren't hugely expensive. I started looking at them for a LED fixture testing rig proposal for a sign manufacturer last year. They didn't go ahead with anything (from anyone) so i never got to delve into the idea too much.
We're still looking for new project ideas guys and girls! :)

Don't worry if you think it sounds too hard, or nobody else may want one, etc. Just jump in with your ideas. The worst that can happen is it doesn't take off. As they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
How about Vixen on a chip, well small standalone vixen controller , mp3 and shows on flash. Totally weather proof of course, just say 1 universe of dmx, for under $100 US....... ::)
Pyrotech said:
How about Vixen on a chip, well small standalone vixen controller , mp3 and shows on flash. Totally weather proof of course, just say 1 universe of dmx, for under $100 US....... ::)
How many people these days only have 1 universe?
Perhaps you could look at making pico atx PC? Motherboard with built in CPU isn't too pricey, then you just need a case and somewhere to put it.
As for ideas...a well priced coloured matrix similar to LEDTriks would be nice. Current RGB options are very expensive for a greatly reduced pixel count.
I think a lot of those signatures will change dramatically after December 1 Pyrotech. I know mines going from 200 channels to over 2000 ch this year in one big hit
"It's not the whales, it's the water" - Scotty to Kirk - Star Trek IV

It should be doable. The one universe limit is not necessary. The problem will be just total throughput/processing time vs. data volume and processor power/RAM. That would be tunable based on refresh rate vs. channel count.

Plus do you target Vixen 2 data structures or wait for Vixen 3 or go for some compressed data stream format.

I will be working on some form of stand-alone show computer/controller that will have Ethernet, at least 2xRS485, MP3, and SD flash. it might be more like $150+ but should have all the power you need. Not something for this year though.

Not so sure super man. yes a major switch to LED, and a toe in the water with RGB, but I think most will stick to their low channels count arches, mega trees, (personally a lot of the RGB high channel shows I've seen video of are not as impressive as say a holdman display). Heck I've got a massive RGB display its called my Tv.

Here we tend to see the more vocal/experimental users, I think for most the cost of RGB pixels are a step to far for a at least a few years.

fine lets say 2096 channels at $250 US....

Oh Ed a Dr4 on board DMX recorder/player with mp3 from flash. :p
j1sys said:
I will be working on some form of stand-alone show computer/controller that will have Ethernet, at least 2xRS485, MP3, and SD flash.

Sounds nice. :)

Is it ready yet... Is it ready yet... Is it ready yet... :p
There's been a few newer ACL members talking in chat recently about PCB design, programming, etc. I'd like to encourage all those folks to post here in the forum too. More developers and ideas are good! :)
A little thing I want to do for next year (I was hoping this year but its gone out the window) is a really good matrix screen.

I am not keen on the blocky type ones seen now. Although I have seen some fairly decent ones.

My idea is to interface DMX control with this

They are joinable and have 64 LEDs in them. size is 33cm
Normally thay have some kind of VGA adapter card jobbie with them which is controlled by an SD card or has a live video feed into them.

They are quite cheap at around $150- $200 per square meter so you could build one quite large for say $500.
What I cant really figure out is the protocals they use or if there is a DMX enabled one around.

What I did find was that they use a 74HC595N IC
Input volage:5V
Color: RGB
LED Qty.:576 pcs 5mm LED Per Square meter

and they have a PU cover.
The 74HC595N is a common shift register IC. They have been used in LED and lamp boards for many years. Hopefully making a controller for panels like the one shown would be relatively straightforward.