What cable type to use?


Apprentice elf
Jan 5, 2019
Hi everyone
I am wondering what type of cable you use for your displays, i.e rubber flex, pvc flex etc?

My concern is about cables being used outdoors and in the extreme heat of summer (especially on the roof). From what I understand rubber cable is pretty heavy duty but also reasonably expensive. I’ve also seen pvc cable but don’t know about it’s durability in outdoor conditions.

I’ve thought about the option of running cables through conduit, especially over the roof, but am wondering if I am over thinking it and will be safe just using the cable you can purchase from Ray Wu, like this one:

Any advice would be great. Thanks!
I also run 6 core security cable, Twist 2 for Positive 3 for Neg & 1 for data.. obviously power inject is 3 an 3. My show is all 5volt and I have no trouble with it on hot tiles in 40' plus heat.
I avoid white wire, I find it degrades quicker than black. For bulk power injection I am using solar cable.
I will be testing a new style of cable I haven't tried before, once done I will let you know what its like... but usually Cat6e with Twin for Power.
Thanks everyone, good advice. I’ll check those cables out. Good to know I don’t have to go running conduit everywhere!
When buying security cable, make sure you get the 14/020 (14 strands of 0.2mm) type, not the much thinner / cheaper 7/020 (only 7 strands of 0.2mm) version.
I use a mixture of 3 core 10amp 240v cable (got a good supplier were I am) and like others 6 core security cable. If I am only running data only from a controller to a model with power injection then I use cat5e cable. I would not recommend using cat5e for running any power.