What sequencer do you use?

What sequencer(s) do you use for your display?

  • Light Show Pro

    Votes: 25 34.2%
  • Light-O-Rama

    Votes: 33 45.2%
  • Vixen (any iteration)

    Votes: 10 13.7%
  • HLS

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Xlights / Nutcracker

    Votes: 28 38.4%
  • Madrix

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Light Factory

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Other (please leave description in comments)

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Prefer not to answer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The reason why i use LSP is in my opinion it is like other powerful programs in their market like Autocad, Sony Vegas, Photo Shop and so on. These programs are not easy to use out of the box because they offer the user so many options and unfortunatly when you give the user so much control and options you then end up adding complexity, on the other hand LSP makes managing large channel counts an easy task for me. I enjoy the options and the fact that there is nearly always more than 1 way you can achieve an outcome, which allows for me to be creative and for me thats the control I want.

Everyone will have their own reasons for using their software of choice because we all have different skill sets, tastes, visions and displays. It would be a boring world if we all did the same thing. :D
C'mon Eddy...we know you created 2 new free accounts just to push LSP ahead of LOR....LOL. Oh well off to the store to buy an OS...Bill Gates was telling me about a really good one.
I do not yet use a sequencer, so I cannot vote. However I do have LSP downloaded. Sometime in the future I'll ask someone to hold my hand and walk me through it... :eek:
oldmanfathertime1000 said:
As of 1-18-2014,This poll tells me that 29.6% use LSP. 44.3% do not......

Wouldnt that also mean even a bigger percentage of users dont use LOR ;) :D