Brisbane/Qld QLD Mini 2020 - Ipswich - CANCELLED

Event details

Event date
Saturday, Jun 6, 2020 Sunday, Jun 7, 2020
Registration deadline
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020
Maximum guests
Username Guest count Note
David_AVD David_AVD 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Superman Superman 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Helty Helty 1 Spoiler content hidden.
C ChristmasInKaralee 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D dale82 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B BAZMick 1 Spoiler content hidden.
bretheron bretheron 1 Spoiler content hidden.
BooY BooY 2
jamesski jamesski 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Andy247 Andy247 2
Jarrad33 Jarrad33 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jay.S Jay.S 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B bpratt 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D Domo 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jayxdallis Jayxdallis 1
Shane G Shane G 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Bendy Bendy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
R roy.debruin 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Rickras85 Rickras85 1 Spoiler content hidden.
M Marty S 1 Spoiler content hidden.
J joekin 1 Spoiler content hidden.
twbalights twbalights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Dreamin Dreamin 2 Spoiler content hidden.
BradsXmasLights BradsXmasLights 1
I itsdorny 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Albrador Albrador 2 Spoiler content hidden.
M miked 1 Spoiler content hidden.
N nigelwyreema 1
Giles1 Giles1 1 Spoiler content hidden.
D Damien 2 Spoiler content hidden.
P Pircy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Hi all,

I asked Steve to send out a PM to all those that have registered (so far) for the QLD Mini with the Account details for payment. There is still plenty of time to pay so please don't fell pressured. However if payment can be paid by 1 May would be great as then I can work out how much food etc to buy with the money that has come in and if there is going to be any left over then enough time to buy a door prize or two.

For others that haven't registered yet then its not too late as registration does not close for some time. As we get new registrations I will PM the account details.


Quick question... I can only make Saturday, so just wondering what going on each day. Will I miss something only coming one day?
Quick question... I can only make Saturday, so just wondering what going on each day. Will I miss something only coming one day?

Sat is the best day and we will cover off on everything, Sunday is more advanced or more specific to individual needs.

If you want something covered that is not in the standard list below then please let us know as we will do our best to cover it. It can be anything (Christmas related). In fact we would probably prefer something different so us oldies may learn something new too.

Sat is the best day and we will cover off on everything, Sunday is more advanced or more specific to individual needs.

If you want something covered that is not in the standard list below then please let us know as we will do our best to cover it. It can be anything (Christmas related). In fact we would probably prefer something different so us oldies may learn something new too.

Haha. I'm new to all this so Saturday will probably blow my mind, and I'll do the full weekend the following year. I'm trying to start smallish but keep getting ideas. Looks lots of info, it's going to be great to get into it all. I'm just hoping I have time to get it all together for Christmas!

You might have to Ricky. But your lucky we are house hunting so we might not be on your turf for this Xmas haha. (hopefully a bigger house so i have a bit more room)

Good news though. Aliepxress sent me an email saying my small order has been posted. Now have to wait for Raywu's order to come in

You might have to Ricky. But your lucky we are house hunting so we might not be on your turf for this Xmas haha. (hopefully a bigger house so i have a bit more room)

Good news though. Aliepxress sent me an email saying my small order has been posted. Now have to wait for Raywu's order to come in

Have you spoken to Ray, I submitted my order in Jan.
I did 2 orders. one through ali and the order direct through Ray. I only placed rays order last week and he said he will have it underway