1st Display - Please Help Me


New elf
Oct 31, 2019
Hey All,

First time poster and first time displayer. Been a huge Christmas light fan but have only just moved into our own home after renting. Wanting to frame the roof line, garage and windows. Just wondering if I can get ideas on the best products and more importantly how to do people hide the transition from one section to the next? I don’t want a light strip from one window across to the next. Puzzled to how I just do outlines of certain section. I’d love to say I was super handy, a builder, or an electrician but I am not, fairly hopeless but wanting to give it a go Hahaha. Help would be so greatly appreciated.
Start with the ACL 101 manual which is a great reference to start learning the hobby.

But for someone with no experience or skills in doing this then you may have left it a little late as there is a fairly initial steep learning curve so dont take on too much and start basic by maybe just focussing on the gutter outline and then go from there if things start to fall in place for you
As already mentioned, you're probably a bit late for this year, but don't let that stop you, as Christmas 2020 isn't all that far away to get your new display the way you want for then. :)

Get something going this year, as you said perhaps just the roof line and maybe some of the windows.

Get the ACL manual, read it a few times, even if you're like me, print it out and sit down and read it. :)

Don't forget you will be your biggest critic of your display, so don't worry about it, some lights this year will get you started for 2020, then 2021 ! :)

Also there's the chat function to this forum where you can ask plenty of questions, and you will later find out about Zoom, which you can also get lots of help in.

This is my first year of Pixel lighting, but I started learning back in March I think, and I've learnt stacks here.
Thanks for the help so far. Not looking for anything particular show, music or anything like that this year, basically just getting the lights up and switching them on and off. So the main question was how do they not have the lights between the different sections? Is it a particular type of light, are they covering it with something or how does it work? Was thinking of using led strips with the channels?
most, if not all strips and pixels have a lead in and a lead out to them, which is just 3 wires generally.

You will need a controller of some sort to tell the pixels what to do though, and for a small display, you won't need to get anything super special, but read the ACL 101 guide first. :)
It’s a great time of year to be looking into designing and looking for ideas on how to build a display, as you may be able to find someone near you who may be starting to set up their display and you may be able to reach out to them and ask if you can have a look at their setup for some tips and tricks etc
You need to let us know what your thoughts are so far, like have you any lights or controllers, no matter what they are, we need to know to be able to help properly. Otherwise we will make assumptions based on what we have or think you have.
That being said, to hide cables or lights you could use
or similar. Personally I just run wires and if at all possible try and get cables that are the same or similar colour to the area they are near.
Like bpratt said, if you are using pixels, then you wire them for a specific prop, so there will be no extra lights to hide. If you are going to use BigW lights then either stick them in the channel like I put the link up for or wrap them in tape or something. If you want to try and control BigW type lights then you will have a bit more trouble these days as they are making them harder to hack.
All of this information about wiring, controllers and lights etc is in the manual so you can see what is involved.
Good luck
This is my first year in pixels. I started in July. It has taken me until yesterday (4 months) to make everything up for the edges (roof, gutter, garage doors and window) and have it all working. It required alot of planning, purchasing (with lead times), cutting, soldering, programming, sequencing, fault finding..... and more. I must say it took longer than expected. This site has a wealth of knowledge and plenty of people to help.
Is a pixel lighting system required or can this be achieved with standard led strips, rope lights or similar? Was hoping for a fairly simple option if at all possible?