Brisbane/Qld Brisbane Mini Expo 2013 - 15th/16th June - initial interest thread

Something has come up, so apparently I wont be going to the 2013 Brissie Mini.

Oh well, those that do go should enjoy the Brisbane mini, as I think it's definitely worth while, especially for those who are new to animated lights.
Doug said:
Keen as to go to this & wife even said it would be good for me....
Damn I will be in Brisbane the previous weekend, won't be able to make it two weekends in a row :-\
It is with great regret I announce I will not be able to host this years Brisbane Mini.
Work commitments,Time restraints,A close personal friend with a terminal illness and the non-availibilty of my usual Venue have all added together and I just haven't been able to find time to devote to organising such an event.
my only option would be a meet and greet weekend in April/May where we could hook up some of my Display, configure it and control it with some software.

I have cleared the current wiki page for mini, if anyone wants to take it on I would be able to assist them in the organisation of it.

Really, Really sorry guys