
Hi, I just placed an order for 4 wixel sticks and everything worked ok.

Regards richard
I have just finished flashing the latest v3.0-rc1 firmware into your ESP modules.
Your order will be shipped express post today and you should get notification with tracking information via email.
Dan, thanks will let you know what I end up doing with them,

Regards Richard
No problems mate. All shipped this afternoon express post. Hopefully if my OpenCart did the right thing you should've received an email with tracking information?
Dan, parts turned up just now, so great service, do you have the pin out diagram please, I have soldered one up bu want to make sure the connections are correct before powering it up.

regards Richard
Dan, thanks, about 2secs after I sent the request I noticed your web sight had the info, so all is good.

Go one fired up and connected to a string of 50 pixels, it takes longer to get the written into vixen than it's does to connect in wifi.

I am still thinking of ideas that I can use these for, but I am thinking of making some small trees or reindeer and putting the on the other side of my street intersection where's there's an island and run them off a battery.

Thanks for the quick service and for programming them. Richard.
Dan, thanks, about 2secs after I sent the request I noticed your web sight had the info, so all is good.

Go one fired up and connected to a string of 50 pixels, it takes longer to get the written into vixen than it's does to connect in wifi.

I am still thinking of ideas that I can use these for, but I am thinking of making some small trees or reindeer and putting the on the other side of my street intersection where's there's an island and run them off a battery.

Thanks for the quick service and for programming them. Richard.
No problem Richie.
Thank you!
Dan, just a quick point and I am not sure why but the stik is working fine, but does not show up on a FING scan of my wireless network, i have tried in both DHCP and static ip modes and I can t see it when I scan the network with Fing. it does however show up in a browser and allow me to make changes or start the test patterns so it all seems to work. Do you know why this might happen?
Dan, just a quick point and I am not sure why but the stik is working fine, but does not show up on a FING scan of my wireless network, i have tried in both DHCP and static ip modes and I can t see it when I scan the network with Fing. it does however show up in a browser and allow me to make changes or start the test patterns so it all seems to work. Do you know why this might happen?
Interesting..... I haven't noticed that issue at all. Very odd.
I will try to reproduce it and come back to you.
Dan, just a quick point and I am not sure why but the stik is working fine, but does not show up on a FING scan of my wireless network, i have tried in both DHCP and static ip modes and I can t see it when I scan the network with Fing. it does however show up in a browser and allow me to make changes or start the test patterns so it all seems to work. Do you know why this might happen?

I am struggling to reproduce it mate.
Running FING on my Samsung Galaxy S7 and it seems to find them OK?
Buggered if I know too , Fing has never let me down before and I wasn't aware you could hide anything, I did change the host name but other than that I would expect it to show up in fing, I run a mix of static and dhcp in the office, with dhcp running up to ip .....100 and above that i have sections for different types of gear, with a FPP running the matrix on .....141, I have set the Wixel to be .......142.

I'll makeup one of the others later and test it out.

Just made up another one, it too is not showing up on Fing - it dhcp .and got and is driving 50 pixels, also after a few minutes it stops responding to web page updates, maybe its my work network, so will try over the weekend at home.
