HELP - BBB Wont power up

Matthew Thompson

Santa's Little Helpers
Nov 2, 2011
Morning all, I have programmed my MSD card and set my octoscroller up a few weeks back. I was able to log into the BB via the USB cable. This morning i hooked everything up to my P10 panels and turned it on and the BBB has no LED lights at all. Roaming through Google and have tried flashing the emmc, holding the power button down, holding the rest button and even reformatting the SD card and starting again but still no power at all. I have tried running off the 5V power plug as well as numberious USB cables. Power supply all good. Octoscroller completely disconnected during all the testing above. Anyone have any other ideas????
I also have a Aurdino Uno but unsure if i can use that with the Octoscroller???
Please help!
Did you reverse the voltage into the octoscrollers screw terminal and also apply USB power at the same time?

Do you get a quick flash of light from the onboard LEDS on the BBB when power is applied?

Your BBB can be powered by the 5V PSU you use for your P10's however some BBB's need a quick rising 5V DC to power own. Also note once FPP is loaded onto the BBB you can no longer use the HDMI output as it uses the HDMI output to display video data via the P10 Panels. The only way you can access it is by having an internet connection plugged in otherwise it will not boot.

Turn it on with an internet connection then go to your browser of choice and type in http://fpp/ after giving the BBB time to load

Try these and see if it helps if not reply here or jump into chat.
Hi @Derf
The BBB doesnt have any lights come on at all. I have tried both USB and external power supply. The Octoscroller is wired 5V positive and 0V negative
Try the BBB only and carefully remove the ocotoscroller.

Find a new power adapter and cord (one from your phone, etc) and try a new supply. If after attempting a couple of different power supplies doesn't work try shorting the power button pins with a paper clip perhaps? There could be multiple issues with this instance. Maybe post a photo of it when you apply power. and we can try identify the issue that way.

By the sounds of it something has gone kaput and the power circuitry has failed if nothing is happening at all
Cheers. Tried all that last night and did it again today. Havent tried the shorting of the power pins but i think she is dead. Time for another one.
Sorry to hear mate.

What a bugger. Check ebay there is this one seller that every now and then puts one up for sale for $60 and you can put an offer for $54 delivered and he normally accepts it. I know they are expensive little machines but essential for p10 panel if you are not using RPI