Making a seed pixel coro star


Annoying Elf
Dec 30, 2018
Post #1.

I'm building a new mega tree for this year’s show, and I wanted to make a new pixel star.
The pixels for the mega tree are 5v, so I decided to also use 5v pixels.


I have plenty of these 'seed pixels' and wanted to try using them. These pixels are very light in comparison to bullet nodes. Wire is similar to bullets but thinner.

First thing I did was upscale my light show’s logo and get this printed at a local sign printing place. This was $34 for a 595 * 800mm sheet of 5mm corflute.

On the corflute is another cross and a yellow box.
I was thinking about using the second cross and raising it off the main star and the yellow box to cut out any rays for the star. I didn’t need these in the end.

2 sheets of A2 tracing paper was Bluetack’ed down so that I could trace the star outline and measure where nodes will be mounted.
Coro was cut out with a craft knife and a ruler. Cutting in multiple light passes.

Holes were punched for the pixel's excess wires to go through.


A mistake was making the hole too small and a screw driver to poke the wire through. This resulted in some of the pixel’s wire insulation being pieced. Premature failed point….. that can be dealt with next year lol.
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Post #2

Outline done.

Once most of the lights were attached, I soldered them all together and did power injection.

First power up:
It looks awesome!!


There is 166 nodes in total.
I tested these pixels at the start of the year. They are about 35mA each.
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Looks awesome. I've been considering playing with some seed pixels and coro.
Looks awesome. I've been considering playing with some seed pixels and coro.
They work well for coro.

The disadvantages I think is the wire gauge means more power injection and you see part of the wires on the prop. I prefer the front of a bullet node coro prop.
Advantage is it's a lightweight prop that works well with just 5mm coro! Also great that the wires behind bend flat to the coro.

If it wasn't for the wires being soo thin, these would be the absolute perfect middle ground to strip and bullet nodes.