
New elf
Dec 1, 2020
I've got a ton of incandescent lights now but want to get in to RGB pixels for next year. I'm trying to learn as much as I can so I'm ready to start buying after the holiday. Hopefully then the prices will drop as demand drops. I'm open for any pointers or sites that sale quality products. One of the things I'm having a hard time with is the requirement for a bridge. Does anybody have a diagram on how to connect everything from soup to nuts? I would say for anybody new, watch the YouTube videos on the basics!
Welcome, im fairly new myself. The quickest way for me to start learning things was to dive in head first and I got a lot of help from the people in the chat.
I agree! The YouTube videos on here really help too. As a prior St. Jude's patient as a kid, I'm going to use the shows to raise money for the hospital. I had cancer when I was 7 and my family was dirt poor. We never had to pay for a single thing. If it wasn't for people donating money I wouldn't be here today for sure. I only had a 10% chance of living back then. I know it costs a bit to get started but it's my way of giving a little back. I think my treatment in the late 80s came to $2.3 million or so. Some kid down there deserves a chance too. I hope I can figure this out and put on a great annual show!
Glad to hear your story, i had cancer at 19. Good luck with the setup and let us know if you need anything.
Thank you. I have nowhere to start. I've learned a lot so far. Do you have a diagram of how everything hooks up? That would really be awesome!
Check out the videos on the YouTube channel “candidate Christmas” a lot of good information on there. Mostly hardware and props.