RGB 5 Pointed LED Stars


Grandpa Elf
Community project designer
Jun 12, 2010
Victoria Point (Brisbane)
A few months ago tuppetsdad got some sample RGB LED stars and started this thread. They were a 24V DC 4-wire (red, green, blue, +ve) type and could be used with an external DC controller.

A few of us discussed them and pondered the possibilities of either making a small DMX controller to fit internally, or inline with the cable. A suitable low cost solution wasn't found at the time.

I then contacted Bruce from Sunmoon in China about getting some more stars, but this time with integrated controllers. After more discussion, I settled on a 6803 (pixel type) interface and order 10 pieces. Here's what they look like:

davidavd sunmoon RGB_6803_Stars.jpg

As I only received them yesterday, I am yet to try them out. I believe they use the same LEDs and PCB as the ones tuppetsdad brought in.

I have cracked one open (not easy) and it contains a separate controller PCB with an LPD6803 IC and associated circuitry.
Im wondering what the price per unit is and what are the shipping costs, these look very nice.
They were about $13 or so each landed from memory.

BTW, they came with short (~ 150mm) cable tails, with (waterproof looking) male and female 4 pin connectors.

I'll should get a chance to try them out in the next day or so.
Oh WOW. I like these, They have cables on them too. I could get some-one to put them all over the roof.
170 units in theory. (170 x 3 channels = 510 DMX channels)

The real limiting factor will be the voltage drop in the cable I'd say.

Being 24V, they can possibly stand more voltage drop, but they also draw a lot more than a single 6803 pixel, so some experimentation will be needed.
Sounds very promising. When are you ordering the next 160.
Hi Dave

These look great!

I have been looking around for stars.
These make everything l found todate look very average indeed.
They have mainly been a static color.

I was looking to build 2 strings of 15 stars each for the front of my house.

Will they be available to purchase?
Now im wondering if its worth while having a group buy and seeing if we can get them cheaper per unit with a bulk buy and combined shipping.
My thoughts exactly Eddy. But i think it might need to be in the new Year. I can see these being very popular
Those are pretty nice - with a decent lead length between and down to $9-10 in a group buy - that would be very cool indeed... I'd rather they were 12v myself - but - that's OK...
budude said:
Those are pretty nice - with a decent lead length between and down to $9-10 in a group buy - that would be very cool indeed... I'd rather they were 12v myself - but - that's OK...

What Brian said. ;)