Sydney/NSW Sydney Expo May 16-17th 2020 - CANCELLED

Event details

Event date
Saturday, May 16, 2020 Sunday, May 17, 2020
Registration deadline
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020
Maximum guests
Username Guest count Note
darylc darylc 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Benslights Benslights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Derf Derf 1 Spoiler content hidden.
L lithgowlights 2 Spoiler content hidden.
franky_888 franky_888 2 Spoiler content hidden.
B_P_J B_P_J 1 Spoiler content hidden.
T Tony.G 1
OzAz OzAz 1
ross eling ross eling 1 Spoiler content hidden.
AJ240 AJ240 1 Spoiler content hidden.
keithsw1111 keithsw1111 1 Spoiler content hidden.
The Bald Boy The Bald Boy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
T tonylights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
darrenr darrenr 1
Daniel1973 Daniel1973 1 Spoiler content hidden.
joanna.md83 joanna.md83 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B Birchie 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Red Red 2
B4IGO B4IGO 1 Spoiler content hidden.
JohnsRdChristmas JohnsRdChristmas 2 Spoiler content hidden.
roo roo 1 Spoiler content hidden.
bigdeer bigdeer 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Troy ELD Troy ELD 1
Burkle2311 Burkle2311 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Ben F Ben F 1
M mccar 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Lali & Lexi Lali & Lexi 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Mjredo Mjredo 1 Spoiler content hidden.
David Hayes David Hayes 1 Spoiler content hidden.
RAMJET RAMJET 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Trevor Wimmer Trevor Wimmer 2 Spoiler content hidden.
M midnight 1 Spoiler content hidden.
I i13 1
BradsXmasLights BradsXmasLights 1
kevr kevr 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Gee Family Light Show Gee Family Light Show 2 Spoiler content hidden.
lytnin lytnin 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Binny Binny 1
P Peter richey 2 Spoiler content hidden.
C charltonmick 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Beatsmushin Beatsmushin 1 Spoiler content hidden.
John B John B 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B beasso81au 2
Noel Richards Noel Richards 2 Spoiler content hidden.
B burto51 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Bernie_H Bernie_H 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B bpratt 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B billatqh 2 Spoiler content hidden.
burnt burnt 1
cscool36 cscool36 1 Spoiler content hidden.

Are you interested in an event t-shirt?

  • Total voters
I saw the spreadsheet and my name does not appear - it is on the guest list though.
I am unsure of what payment is due - can't seem to find that information anywhere. I might have domestic blindness though. :cool:
Is there any time frame as to when the schedule will be confirmed? This will then allow me to make plans to attend what day/s.
Hi Ben,
I'll be there both days this year. Happy to update the preso I did last year with this years content, and also P10 build (if someone has a van that can transport it to and from the venue) its flat packed and needs 2 mtr length and 1.5 mtr height. Let me know the lsit of presentation topics when you have it done to choose from.
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I'm getting pretty keen on the idea of popping over for this I did come over for the Brisbane one a couple of years ago and got a lot out of it.

Will make my mind up in the next week or so.
yes the dates are locked in and we will be launching a site soon to take payments for the weekend and for t-shirts and maybe even the dinner
Is anyone going to be around the Hotel on the Friday for a chat if so I'll come over Thursday evening. Didn't realise it was so far out of the city approx 1hr from airport.
I'm in!!!

Is anyone going to be around the Hotel on the Friday for a chat if so I'll come over Thursday evening. Didn't realise it was so far out of the city approx 1hr from airport.

I'll be flying to Sydney on Friday morning and staying the entire weekend.

The Hotel is walking distance (a 15min hike) from a new 'metro' train station. Get a train from Sydney airport station - then change trains at Chatswood station. Very easy when i did it last year. Had've the mini been a week earlier before the new station opened it would've been much more time consuming to get to.
I'm in!!!

I'll be flying to Sydney on Friday morning and staying the entire weekend.

The Hotel is walking distance (a 15min hike) from a new 'metro' train station. Get a train from Sydney airport station - then change trains at Chatswood station. Very easy when i did it last year. Had've the mini been a week earlier before the new station opened it would've been much more time consuming to get to.

Thanks for the tip, I'll get back to you closer to the time. I can get lost getting the mail from the letterbox so I will definitely need more help.
Definitely in for Saturday. Sunday is a maybe.

Happy to present on Custom Prop Building, and Custom Model Setup for xLights.
It is great to see so many people registering for this year's Expo.

We still need more presenters and topics to talk about. this is your Expo and will only be as good as the time people invest into it.
do not be worried if you have never presented before you will be fine. you are with friends and we are all willing to help.

So this is the suggested topics and presenters we have so far. I need your Help filling in the spaces.


So please put your hand up and let's make this one our best yet.

Also if you would like to donate any prizes to this year's expo please Pm me with details as we will be having a special page to advertise sponsors this year to hopefully help push customers your way and a special thanks to you also.